Jeremy Sipe/Wide Eyed Awakening Laying It Down Lyrics
You know my weaknesses, and you know my heart
You know my troubles and trials, because you're my God
and day by day I struggle in my flesh,
and some how, it turns around, things in ways I can't explain
Pre Chorus:
It's like I'm comparing the two in between my own heart
it's disturbing it feels like it's tearing me apart
I can not hold this, it's getting too heavy, I'm laying it down to You
I'm laying it down to You
because You're worth it, because You're perfect
because You're Holy, because You love me
because You're faithful, because I can't pull theweight of my sin
You know when a sparrow falls, and the number of days it has,
and I know that you're teaching me in a way that no one can
and if you know when a sparrow falls to the ground,
how much more do you care for me, to help me win this war
I'm laying it down to You, I'm giving it all away,
I'm going to stand firm, I'm laying it down to You,
I'm not going to run away, you're going to help me through
Piano composition by Timothy Sipe
See also:
Pearl Jam Live Off he goes Lyrics
Ute Freudenberg Im Namen der Liebe Lyrics