The Countdown Kids The Muffin Man Lyrics
First Verse:
Oh, do you know the m___in man,
The m___in man, the m___in man,
Oh, do you know the m___in man,
That lives on Drury Lane?
Second Verse:
Oh, yes, I know the m___in man,
The m___in man, the m___in man,
Oh, yes, I know the m___in man,
That lives on Drury Lane.
More Second Verse Responses:
Now two of us know the m___in man,
The m___in man, the m___in man,
Now two of us know the m___in man,
That lives on Drury Lane.
A few of us know the m___in man,
The m___in man, the m___in man,
A few of us know the m___in man,
That lives on Drury Lane.
Now we all know the m___in man,
The m___in man, the m___in man,
Now we all know the m___in man,
That lives on Drury Lane.
Children form a circle with one person in the center. Those in the circle dance in a ring around the one in the middle, singing the first verse. They all stand still while the 'middleman' sings the second verse and afterward, he or she chooses one (or more) children to join him/her in the middle of the ring. Continue singing the verses until all children have been chosen. Then all sing the final verse.
See also:
Kate Wolf Amazed to Find Lyrics
The Countdown Kids This Old Man (Knick-Knack Paddy Wack) Lyrics