Skinny Puppy Solvent Lyrics
silence the deadly golden cry out don't stay behind stay up internal breakdown bloodflow
drip from the eyes incest the inner reason fast life lay in decline sank back in fresh
arrival face split with life so why remorse a heartless soul selfless no apparent self
control remorse a heartless soul senseless no apparent self control since then cold
uncaring accusations run wild accelerate the heartbeat or so seen with their eyes
twisting with truth or fact a kind of story that lies motion sickness is screaming stab
cut r_____ my mind remorse a heartless soul senseless no apparent self control tiresome
a sacred leader sensations [more than die?/ ??? the smile?] fortune is worshiped highly
one day to pray then die melting in fiery sand quick sink in false so vile over erase
replace cancel the way a [trial?shroud?]
See also:
Rodrigo el potro Derroche Lyrics
06 06.Groove amanda - my frien Lyrics