Bløf Dansen aan zee ( Feat.Cristina Branco live) Lyrics

Daar komt mijn schip al aan
Ik kijk vanaf het strand
Schrijven in het zand
Is voor mij nu wel gedaan
Want de letters van je naam
Blijven in het zand niet staan

Já lá vem o meu navio
Da praia me quedo o olhar
Escrever teu nome na areia
É coisa que me cansei
Pois na areia se apagam
As letras que eu traçe

Laten we dansen, m'n liefste
Dansen aan zee
Laten we dansen, m'n liefste
Dansen aan zee
Een afscheidswals aan de waterlijn
Dansen aan zee
Uma p'ra as tuas lágrimas
Duas para as minhas
Tres para o horizonte
Com a vista nos perdemos (Waaraan we verdwijnen)

Jij wist wel wie ik was
Zwaaiend met mijn jas
De braços abertos vazios
O coraçao calado gritando
Sentindo crescer o desejo
Das carícias no teu rosto

Laten we dansen, m'n liefste
Dansen aan zee
Laten we dansen, m'n liefste
Dansen aan zee
Een afscheidswals aan de waterlijn
Dansen aan zee
Uma p'ra as tuas lágrimas
Duas para as minhas
Tres para o horizonte
Com a vista nos perdemos

Zeg dat het niets was
Podes dizer que sonhei
Zeg dat ik gek was
Vá onda diz que sonhei
Zeg dat ik dom was
Mas sonhar é o meu sonhar
Maar dromen deed ik niet

Laten we dansen, m'n liefste
Dansen aan zee
Laten we dansen, m'n liefste
Dansen aan zee
Een afscheidswals aan de waterlijn
Dansen aan zee
Uma p'ra as tuas lágrimas (Eén voor je tranen)
Duas para as minhas (Twee voor de mijne)
Tres para o horizonte (Drie voor de horizon)
Com a vista nos perdemos (Waaraan we verdwijnen)

Translation: Dance By The Sea

There, my ship is coming in
I can see it from the beach
Writing in the sand
Is over for me
Because the letters of your name
Won't withstand the water

There comes my ship
I stand and look at it from the beach
Writing your name in the sand
Is what I'm already tired of
Because what I wirte in the sand
All those letters get erased

Let us dance, my love
Dance by the sea
Let us dance, my love
Dance by the sea
A goodbye waltz by the coastline
Dance by the sea
One for your tears
Two for mine
Three for the horizon
We lose ourselves with the view

You knew who I was
Waving with my coat
With empty arms wide open
The mute heart screams
Feeling the growing desire
Of the caresses on your face

Let us dance, my love
Dance by the sea
Let us dance, my love
Dance by the sea
A goodbye waltz by the coastline
Dance by the sea
One for your tears
Two for mine
Three for the horizon
We lose ourselves with the view

Say to me it was nothing
You can say that I dreamt
Say to me I was mad
OK, now, say that I dreamt
Say to me I was stupid
To dream is my wish
But I haven't dreamt

Let us dance, my love
Dance by the sea
Let us dance, my love
Dance by the sea
A goodbye waltz by the coastline
Dance by the sea
One for your tears (One, for your tears)
Two for mine (Two, for mine)
Three for the horizon (Three, for the horizon)
We lose ourselves with the view (To which to disappear to)

See also:

Wilson Phillips Next to you Lyrics
Sky N Sugarstarr Are You (Watching Me Watching You) Lyrics