Deadly Orbit Redshift Lyrics

In physics and astronomy, redshift occurs when the electromagnetic radiation, usually visible light, that is emitted from or reflected off an object is shifted toward the (less energetic) red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. More generally, redshift is defined as an increase in the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation received by a detector compared with the wavelength emitted by the source. This increase in wavelength corresponds to a decrease in the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation. Conversely, a decrease in wavelength is called blue shift.

Any increase in wavelength is called "redshift", even if it occurs in electromagnetic radiation of non-optical wavelengths, such as gamma rays, x-rays and ultraviolet. This nomenclature might be confusing since, at wavelengths longer than red (e.g., infrared, microwaves, and radio waves), redshifts shift the radiation away from the red wavelengths.

An observed redshift due to the Doppler effect occurs whenever a light source moves away from the observer, corresponding to the Doppler shift that changes the perceived frequency of sound waves. Although observing such redshifts, or complementary blue shifts, has several terrestrial applications (e.g., Doppler radar and radar guns),[1] spectroscopic astrophysics uses Doppler redshifts to determine the movement of distant astronomical objects.[2] This phenomenon was first predicted and observed in the 19th century as scientists began to consider the dynamical implications of the wave-nature of light.

Another cause of redshift is the expansion of the universe, which explains the observation that the redshifts of distant galaxies, quasars, and intergalactic gas clouds increase in proportion to their distance from the earth. This mechanism is a key feature of the Big Bang model of physical cosmology.[3]

Gravitational redshift is observed if the receiver is located at higher gravitational potential than the source. The cause of gravitational redshift is the time dilation that occurs near massive objects, according to general relativity[4]

All three of these phenomena, whose wide range of instantiations are the focus of this article, can be understood under the umbrella of frame transformation laws, as described below. There exist numerous other mechanisms with different physical and mathematical descriptions that can lead to a shift in the frequency of electromagnetic radiation and whose action is generally not referred to as a "redshift", including scattering and optical effects (for more see section on physical optics and radiative transfer).

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