Spievaná Verzia Lyrics

Nad Tatrou sa blýska,
hromy divo bijú.
Zastavme ich bratia,
ved' sa ony stratia,
Slováci ožijú.

To Slovensko naše
posiaľ tvrdo spalo.
Ale blesky hromu
vzbudzujú ho k tomu,
aby sa prebralo.
Už Slovensko vstáva,
putá si strháva.
Hej rodina milá
hodina odbila,
žije matka Sláva!

Ešte jedle rastú
na krivánskej strane
Kto jak Slovák cíti,
nech sa šable chytí,
a medzi nás stane.


Lightning flashes atop the Tatras,
thunderclaps wildly beat.
Let us stop them, brothers,
See them disappear,
the Slovaks revive.

This, our Slovakia
long slept soundly.
But the strokes of the thunder
are rousing it
to awaken.
Already Slovakia arises,
throwing off its bonds
Hey dear family
the hour has struck
Mother Glory is alive

Firs yet grow
on the slopes of Kriváň
Whoever feels like a Slovak,
let him take a sabre
and join our ranks.

See also:

Clay Aiken All Is Well Lyrics
02 Seven Years Lyrics