Ugo Farrel Preces Meae Lyrics

preces meae non sunt dignae
sed tu, bonus, fac, benigne
inter oves locum praesta
et ab haedis me sequestra
statuens in parte
in parte dextra
statuens in parte dextra

lacrimosa dies illa
quae resurget ex favilla
judicandus h___ reus
quid ergo, parce deus
dona eis requiem

confutatis maledictis
flammis acribus addictis
voca me c__ benedictis

cor contritum quasi finis
gere curam mei finis..

/*english translation*/

My prayers are not worthy,
but do Thou, Good (God), deal kindly
Among the sheep offer (me) a place
and from the goats sequester me,
Placing me at
At Thy (=Your) right hand
placing me at Thy right hand.

That sorrowful day,
on which will arise from the buring coals
Man accused to be judged:
therefore, O God, do Thou spare him.
grant them rest.

After the accursed have been silenced,
given up to the bitter flames,
call me with the blest.

My heart contrite as ashes:
Do Thou (=You) care for my end.

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