Chris A Dinner at a Friend's Lyrics

First Invitation
A: I'd like to invite you and your wife for dinner this Saturday evening.
B: We would love to come, but I have to decline - my mother is visiting.
A: Oh, by all means, bring your mother along.
B: Are you sure it would be alright?
A: Yes, absolutely. We would love to meet her.
B: Thank you, we'd love to come. What time should we arrive?
A: Oh, come about 6 and we'll plan to eat around 7.
B: What should I bring?
A: Nothing, nothing. We're just going to have a roast with potatoes and carrots and a salad.
B: Could I bring some bread or a bottle of wine?
A: Bread would be lovely. Thanks for offering.

Entering the home
B: Hello Juliette. Here is some bread for the dinner.
A: Thanks, come on in.
B: How have you been?
A: I'm fine, thanks. Let me take your coat.
B: Thank you. I'd like to introduce you to my mother, Maria, who is visiting from Germany. I'm
sorry, but she doesn't speak much English.
A: Hello, Mrs. Schmidt. I'm so glad to meet you. Come in and make yourself
at home.
C: Hello
B: Your home is lovely. Have you lived here long?
A: Almost 2 years now.
B: Are these pictures of your family?
A: Yes, those are my two sons. They are both off at college.
B: They are very handsome. May I help you in the kitchen?
A: Thank you, but I have everything done. Let's just sit in the living room and chat while the
roast is cooking.

Leaving the home
B: It's late, we really should go. Thank you for a wonderful evening. The dinner
was delicious.
A: It was our pleasure. I enjoyed meeting your mother very much. She has a great sense
of humor. Please come see us again.
B: We would love to come again, or maybe next time you could come to our house.
A: That would be lovely.
B: Bye.
C: Bye bye.
A: Good bye.

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