Chris Money Idioms Lyrics

A: I really splurged last week when I went to the market.
B: Oh yeah? What did you get?
A: I got this gorgeous original painting for $2000.
B: $2000?! I think you got ripped off!
A: No way! It's an original... and you know that buying art is more of an investment than a
purchase... and $2000 is dirt cheap!
B: Tell me you at least haggled for it.
A: I'm not good at haggling. He said it is worth 10,000, but he really liked me so he gave me a
good deal on it.
B: I find that hard to believe. You're pulling my leg, right? And you believed this guy?!
A: Of course! Why would he lie?! He liked me!
B: You are so gullible.

See also:

08. สาวเชียงใหม่ สุนทรี Lyrics
10. สาวเจียงใหม่ นิตยา บุญสูงเนิน Lyrics