Cornelio Reyna Me Sacaron del Tenampa Lyrics

Ah cuantas veces me han sacado del tenampa
ya bien borracho y con un nudo en la garganta
voy por la calle cantando mis canciones
y los mariachis van pisando mis talones

Les pedi 20, 30 o 5 mil canciones
y me cantaron "me cai de la nube"
me revolque, grite, cante de sentimiento
me recordaron un amor que yo antes tuve

En el tenampa se requerdan muchas cosas
y los mariachis son los amos y señores
te tomas 4, 5, 20 o 30 copas
y las canciones te recuerdan tus amores

- Inter -

Les pedi 20, 30 o 5 mil canciones
y me cantaron "me cai de la nube"
me revolque, grite, cante de sentimiento
me recordaron un amor que yo antes tuve

En el tenampa se requerdan muchas cosas
y los mariachis son los amos y senores
te tomas 4, 5, 20 o 30 copas
y las canciones te recuerdan tus amores


They took me from Tenampa

Ah how many times I have taken the Tenampa
and very drunk and with a lump in my throat
I'm on the street singing my songs
and mariachis are stepping on my heels

I asked 20, 30 or 5000 songs
and sang "I cai of the cloud"
I wallow, cry, sing with feeling
reminded me a love I had before

In the Tenampa are many things requerdan
and mariachis are lords and masters
you take 4, 5, 20 or 30 cups
and remind you of your love songs

- Inter -

I asked 20, 30 or 5000 songs
and sang "I fell from the cloud"
I wallow, cry, sing with feeling
reminded me a love I had before

In the Tenampa are many things requerdan
and mariachis are lords and masters
you take 4, 5, 20 or 30 cups
and remind you of your love songs

See also:

Himno Nacional Argentina Lyrics
07- TROY. Lyrics