w-inds. Party Down Lyrics
HumcHooo! Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Mazete iin janai!? Dare kare kamawazu
- Isnft it good to blend? No matter whoever it is
We Gonna Make You Clap Your Hands!
Toku setsu no supiikaa no manmae de minna
- the speakers are specially set up and everyone in the very front of them
Koyoi sawage Party Down!
- letfs get noisy! Party down!
Itfs So Beautiful Day! Kinou made
No uppun wo futtobasuc!
- blowing off all the grudge we have until yesterday
Mekuru meku shiin Youfll be with w-inds!
- a dazzling scene youfll be with w-inds!
Mada party wa kore kara c agete ikou!
- the party just getting started now and letfs keep it up!
Asu wa pawaa afureteiru hazu dayo
- the power should be overflowing by tomorrow
Kitto kinou yori wa
- compared to yesterday
Koko demo sekaijuu no doko de date
- even here or anywhere in the world
Itsu datte Youfre the one!
- youfre the one, always!
Freak Out![Hooo!]
Deae boys & girls koi wo s___e onore wo s___te
- meet each other boys & girls love each other and know about yourselves
Break Out!
Kisei gainen motto kutsugae s___e
- itfs a stereotype, turn it over for more
Freak Out![Hooo!]
Eien wa sou shunkan de dekiteru
- eternal is made from moments
Speak Out!
Sono tokidoki chanto omoi kuchi ni s___e
- Sometimes I properly think about it and put it in words
Hey, WazfUp!? Nakayoku ikou Sing It!
- hey whatfs up!? Lets get along well Sing it!
[Get On Tha Floor!]
Sasaina koto wa yuzutte
- pass on the insignificant things
Sore zore no vijon
- for each vision
Hariawanakuta tte ii jan
- isnft it a good thing that we are not competing with each other,
cisshoni tanoshimeba??? Wake Up, People!!
- c why donft we enjoy it together??? Wake up, people!!
Honto wa dare mo ga motto yasashii hazu dayo
- the truth is, everyone should be more generous
Dare mo ga minna One For All
- everybody, one for all
Koko demo sekaijuu no doko de datte
- even in here or anywhere in the world
Warai ai All for one!
- letfs laugh to each other All for one!
[Yeah Yeah Yeah!]
Freak Out![Hooo!]
Kanae each dream! Hanpa nai ookii yume mo
- letfs make each dream come true! even this real big dream
No Doubt!
Akirameru mae ni mazu yattemite
- at least try it first before giving up on it
Freak Out![Hooo!]
Unmei wa sou guuzen de dekiteru
- the fate is made from coincidences
Speak Out!
Hoshii mo no wa [hoshii!] to koe wo dai ni s___e
- If you want something, just say gI want it!h out loud
Inisharu gKh & daburu gRh de
- with the initial eKf & double eRf
Donna hi ni mo f__u kaze ni naruc mitete
- no matter what kind of day it is, I will become the windc just keep watching
If We Gonna Be Waiting Right Here
Said We Gonna Be Waiting Right Here Yeah!
Nurikaero suroogan to kyaria
- remake the slogan and the career
Furikarya ano hi no bokura mo boyz to be men
- if we look back at us on that day, we were also boys to be men
Atto iu [mada]
- in no time
Demo kui wa nai kamo c [nee~!!]
- but perhaps we wont regret it.. gdonft you think so~!!h
Iketenai hi mo iketeru furi dac!
- Pretend that you can live a day even if you canft..
Deae boys & girls koi wo s___e onore wo s___te
- meet each other boys & girls love each other and know about yourselves
Break Out!
Kisei gainen motto kutsugae s___e
- itfs a stereotype, turn it over for more
Freak Out![Hooo!]
Eien wa sou shunkan de dekiteru
- eternal is made from moments
Speak Out!
Sono tokidoki chanto omoi kuchi ni s___e
- Sometimes I properly think about it and speak it out
Freak Out![Hooo!]
Kanae each dream! Hanpa nai ookii yume mo
- letfs make each dream come true! even this real big dream
No Doubt!
Akirameru mae ni mazu yattemite
- at least try it first before giving up on it
Freak Out![Hooo!]
Unmei wa sou guuzen de dekiteru
- the fate is made from coincidences
Speak Out!
Hoshii mo no wa [hoshii!] to koe wo dai ni s___e
- If you want something, just say gI want it!h out loud
Freak Out! Hoooc! Watch Out!!!
See also:
Sailor Marinero Lyrics
Bug Mafia & Puya Marijuana Lyrics