The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Opening Lyrics
>>> In j__anese <<<
Kotae wa itsumo watashi no mune ni...
Nande daro Anata o eranda watashi desu
Mou tomaranai Unmei-sama kara kimerareta kedo
I believe Mane dake ja tsumaranai no
You'll be right!
Kanjiru mama kanjiru koto dake o suru yo
Bouken desho desho!? Honto ga uso ni kawaru sekai de
Yume ga aru kara tsuyoku naru no yo Dare no tame ja nai
Issho ni kite kudasai
Doko made mo jiyuu na watashi o mite yo ne
Ashita kako ni natta kyou no ima ga kiseki
I believe you...
Modorenai toko made Ikanakya tsumannai
Saa oshiete Himeteru negai o kagami ni nageta
My delight Karada-goto uketometara
Your mind fly!
Odorokasete odoroite egao ni narou
Hajimari desho desho!? Kirei ga yami o terasu mitai ni
Watashi no chikara anata no namida Docchi mo tadashii no
Genjitsu ni yureru sensai na kokoro ga
Kizutsuku no wa iya
Omoimashita itsumo itsumo mune no oku ni
Kotae ga...
Futsuu ja nai no ga touzen nara
Kotaeru watashi wa nani ga dekiru?
Futsuu de mo futsuu ja nakute
Kanjiru mama kanjiru koto dake o suru yo
Bouken desho desho!? Honto ga uso ni kawaru sekai de
Yume ga aru kara tsuyoku naru no yo Dare no tame ja nai
Hajimari desho hajimari nan desho!?
Kirei ga yami o terasu mitai ni Watashi to anata bouken no tochuu
Issho ni susundeku Doko made mo jiyuu ni
Genjitsu o koete
Ashita kako ni natta kyou no ima ga kiseki
Tashika na mirai o
Tsukamou mirai o
I believe you...
>>> In English <<<
The answer is always in my chest...
Why? I, who chose you
It was decided by my dear destiny that won't stop anymore
I believe that just mimicking someone is boring
You'll be right!
I'll only do the things that I can feel, as I feel them
It's an adventure, right? Right?! In the world where truths turn into lies
I'll become strong because dreams exist, not for someone's sake
Please come with me
Look at the endlessly free me
The present of today when tomorrow became the past is a miracle
I believe you...
It's boring if I don't go to a place of no return
C'mon, tell me; I threw my hidden wish into the mirror
My delight, if I accept it with my entire body
Your mind fly!
I'll make you surprised, then I'll be surprised, and we'll smile
It's the beginning, right? Right?! Like beauty shining on darkness
My strength and your tears- Either is justified
The delicate heart that wavers in reality
Doesn't want to get hurt
I've thought that it's always, always, in the depth of my chest
The answer is...
If it's expected to be abnormal
Then what can I, who answer, do?
It's normal but abnormal
I'll only do the things that I can feel, as I feel them
It's an adventure, right? Right?! In the world where truths turn into lies
I'll become strong because dreams exist, not for someone's sake
It's the beginning, right? The beginning, right?!
Like beauty shining on darkness, midway on the adventure of me and you
We'll advance together, and endlessly and freely
Overcome reality
The present of today when tomorrow became the past is a miracle
The definite future
Let's grasp the future
I believe you...
See also:
Stylistics You Are Beautiful Lyrics
F4 你是我唯一的執著 (言承旭) Lyrics