Anúna The Mermaid Lyrics

Is cosúil gur mheath tú nó gur thréig tú an greann It seems that you have changed and left behind your happiness
Tá sneachta ga freasach fá bhéal na mbeann' The snow is frosty on the heather
Do chúl buí daite 's do bhéilín sámh Your fair hair and your sweet mouth
Siud chugaibh Mary Chinidh 's í ndiaidh an Éirne 'shnámh Here comes Mary Kenny after swimming the length of the Erne

A mháithrín dhílis, dúirt Máire Bhán "Sweet mother," said Máire Bhán
Fá bhruach an chladaigh 's fá bhéal na trá At the edge of the quay and at the mouth of the beach
Maighdeán Mhara, mo mháithrín ard "My esteemed mother is a mermaid"
Siud chugaibh Mary Chinidh 's í ndiaidh an Éirne 'shnámh Here comes Mary Kenny after swimming the length of the Erne

Tá mise tuirseach agus beidh ga lá I'm tired and I will be for some time
Mo Mháire bhroinngheal 's mo Phádraig bán My Máire of the white breast and my pale Pádraig
Ar bharr na dtonna 's fá bhéal na trá On the top of the waves and at the edge of the sea
Siud chugaibh Mary Chinidh 's í ndiaidh an Éirne 'shnámh Here comes Mary Kenny after swimming the length of the Erne

Credits: Traditional; arranged by Michael McGlynn

See also:

Violeta Parra El Palomo Lyrics
Dan Dan Kokoro hikarete Field of View Lyrics