Ninja Magic The c00k (Freestyle Improvisation) Lyrics
Vers 1
In the hood where lies flow beneath
The c00k is c00king for the people in need
Soaring pans and test tubes in action
The hippie girl Walks in -Hey my c__e needs to be cooked cook.
C0caine, I wanna feel it inside me
C0caine, Well thats the cooks job to cook
C0caine , oh oh oh oh Yea
c0cane, c0caine, c0caine yiiippppikayyyye
Cooking in the day and night
yes the cook are cooking all day long
cooking 24/7 yes the c00k is cooking for you
Vers 2
a chicken supreme but with c0ke inside
Deliverd to the wrong place in the middle of the night
A citizen ninja not true nor false
his mind is pure, and unleashes the war
Cooking in the day and night
yes the cook are cooking all day long
cooking 24/7 yes the c00k is cooking for you
the word is out, ninjas shall unite
Vandalising the cooks new car
but the cook laughs cause they took the wrong car
but the ninjas hear his laugh and destroys his c__e.
See also:
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