John Cale A Dream Lyrics

It was a very cold clear fall
nightI had a terrible dreamBilly Name and Brigid were playing under my
stair case on the second floor about two o'clock in the morningI woke
up because Amos and Archie had started barkingThat made me very angry
because I wasn't feeling well and I told them I was very cross the real me that
they just better remember what happened to Sam the bad cat that was left at
home and got sick and went p____ heavenIt was a very cold clear fall
nightSome snowflakes were fallingGee, it was so beautifuland so I
went to get my camera to take some picturesAnd then I was taking the
picturesbut the exposure thing wasn't rightand I was going to call Fred
or Gerryto find out how to get set itI was too lateand then I
remembered they were still probably at dinnerand anywayI felt really
bad and didn't want to talk to anybodybut the snowflakes were so beautiful
and real lookingand I really wanted to hold themAnd that's when I heard
the voicesfrom down the hall near the stairsSo I got a
flashlightand I was scared and I went out into the hallwayThere's been
all kinds of troubleslately in the neighborhoodand someone's got to
bring home the bacon and anywaythere were Brigid and Billy
playingAnd under the stair casewas a little meadow sort of like the
park at 23rd streetwhere all the young kids go and play frisbeeGee,
that must be funmaybe we should do an article on that in the
magazinebut they'll just tell me I'm stupid and it won't sellbut I'll
just hold my ground this time, I meanit's my magazine, isn't it?So
I was thinking that as the snowflakes felland I heard those voices having
so much funGee, it would be so great to have some funSo I called
Billybut either he didn't hear me or he didn't want to answerwhich was
so strangebecauseeven if I don't like reunions I've always loved
BillyI'm so glad he's workingI mean it's different than OndineHe
keeps touring with those moviesand he doesn't even pay us and the filmI
mean the film's just going to disintegrate and then whatI mean he's so
normal off of drugsI just don't get itAnd then I saw John
Calehe's been looking really greatHe's been coming by the office to
exercise with meRonnie said I have a musclebut he's been really mean
since he went to AAI mean what does it meanwhen you give up drinking
and then you're still so meanHe says I'm being lazy but I'm notI'm just
can't find any ideasI mean I'm just notlet's face itgoing to get
any ideas up at the officeAnd seeing John made me think of the
Velvetsand I had been thinking about themwhen I was on St. Marks
Placegoing to that new gallery those sweet new kids have openedbut the
thought I was oldand then I saw the old DOMthe old club where we did
our first showsIt was so greatAnd I don't understand about that
Velvet's first albumI mean I did the coverI was the producerand I
always see it repackagedand I've never gotten a penny from itHow could
that beI should call Henrybut it was good seeing JohnI did a cover
for himbut I did in black and white and he change it to colorIt would
have been worth more if he'd left it my waybut you can never tell any body
anything I've leaned thatI tried calling again to Billy and
Johnthey wouldn't recognize me it was like I wasn't thereWhy won't they
let me inAnd then I saw LouI'm so mad at himLou Reed got
married and didn't invite meI mean is it because he thought I'd bring too
many peopleI don't get itcould have at least calledI mean he's
doing so greatWhy doesn't he call me?I saw him at the MTV showand
he was one row away and he didn't even say helloI don't get itYou know
I hate LouI really doHe won't even hire us for his videosAnd I was
proud of himI was so scared todayThere was blood leaking thought my
shirtfrom those old scars from being shotAnd the corset I wear to keep
my insides in was hurtingAnd I did three sets of fifteen pushupsand
four sets of ten setupsBut then my insides hurtand I saw drops of blood
on my shirt and I rememberthe doctors saying I was deadAnd then later
they had to take blood out of my hand'couse they ran out or veinsbut
thenall this thinking was making me an old grouchand you can't do
anything anyway soif they wouldn't let me play with them in my own
dreamI was just going to have to make anotherand anotherand
anotherGee, wouldn't it be funny if I died in this dreambefore I could
make another one upAnd nobody calledAnd nobody came

See also:

04 Rewind Lyrics
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