OAG situation Lyrics
The pop tune is playing in the air
The music lover claim
The deejay was true fair
I got to have the music beating in my soul
Whenever i lost my control
The punk rock is playing in the zineland
I took the price just to become a fan
Got to have music in my heart
Well just tell me when you wanna get start
While i am on the air
Radio station (yes, i am on the air) (tv station)
8, 9, 10, 11, 12?
The pop star is playing in the air
The music lover claim the VJ was unfair
I need to have the melody inside of me
Whenever i want to break free
The punk star is tripping in the news land
I waste my time just to form a band
I got to have this tune inside of you and me
Well, come on baby, ready, steady, go
See also:
The Gentlemen I'm Not Leaving Lyrics
Sarah Fimm A Perfect Dream Lyrics