Barry Goss and Heather Vale Masters of the Secret Talking eBook Lyrics
Barry Goss: Hello folks, this is Barry Goss, the Fox Mulder of Manifestation. I
have my business partner Heather Vale here with me, who I like to affectionately
call the Dana Scully of Success.
The reason we have this little X-Files feel to what we do is because it perfectly
depicts what we do individually and collectively, as an interview team. We search,
sort and select the mentors, teachers and coaches of the world, and we get them
to publicly reveal their most magical leading edge breakthrough methods.
Heather Vale: And while we are tracking down these key teachers, our
community is sending us questions about what is being said in some of the
popular short run documentaries, like What the Bleep Do We Know?,
Conversations With God, and the granddaddy of them all, The Secret.
Barry: So we've taken several hundred of the recurring, most thought provoking
topics, and we asked our network of teachers and mentors to tackle them head on
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and flesh out some of the insights that they couldn't through a four to ten minute
movie clip.
Heather: What you're about to hear are several short excerpts from 14 different
mentors who are featured in our flagship product, Masters of the Secret.
Barry: All of these interviews average approximately 75 minutes each, and our
long audio format gives us the opportunity to bring you a new perspective and
further valuable information as you continue your quest for mastery of the art and
science of manifestation.
Heather: We're big believers in giving first and proving our worth up front. We
know that this talking e-book will give you the preview you need to make an
intelligent decision to move forward with our complete audio and transcript
Barry: This first clip is from an interview Heather did with Mr. Attractor Factor
himself, Joe Vitale.
Heather: In this clip we were talking about how many steps are required in the
standard Law of Attraction formula. He reveals that even though he teaches five in
The Attractor Factor, there is really only one required.
Joe Vitale: I think the bottom line is you only need one step. And that is to be
happy in this moment. But most of us can't succeed at that, most of us are waiting
for the next moment, or waiting for the next deal, or waiting for the next book, or
waiting for the next seminar, or waiting for the next teleseminar, whatever it
happens to be.
It's very rare for us to truly be in the moment and appreciate it and be grateful for
it, because when we are in this moment, our guidance system is showing us what
needs to be done next, the miracles that are happening are happening in each
moment, they are not happening in the past or in the future, they are happening
now. So you can reduce all of this to one step: be in the moment, but that is
usually challenging for most of us.
I found that I and others needed five steps, that's what I talk about in The
Attractor Factor. The first step is to know what you don't want. Now most of
mankind, human kind whatever you want to call the world at large, is stuck on
step one. They are just complaining, they are just gossiping, they are victims,
they are blaming, that's where they are, that's step one.
A certain awakening is necessary to go to step two, but it's very empowering. Step
two is to declare what you do want. That's all about the power of intention.
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I'm a great believer that when you declare what you want, you rally the forces
within you to go in the direction of what you want, but you also get the Universe
to wake up and take the order of what you want. It starts to work on your behalf.
So step one is to know what you don't want, and that's useful information because
you use it to declare what you do want in step two.
Step three is very important. It's the getting clear step. I say this is the missing
secret to all the self-help books, personal development processes that are out
there. A lot of people know about visualization, or meditation, or the power of
positive thinking, and they go only so far very often with that. They start getting
frustrated wondering, why isn't it working? Why aren't I achieving the results?
Why aren't I attracting the car, the spouse, the health, the wealth, whatever it is
that they are going for.
And often it is because there is an internal block, sometimes it's called self
sabotage, but usually there is some sort of belief system that cancels out the very
thing they say they want. In step three you want to get clear of that so that you
are in alignment to have, do or be whatever it is that you declare is right for you
in your world.
Step four is also very powerful; it's feeling right now what it would be like to
already have the thing you want. Whether that's a product or person or
experience. It's important to feel as if you already have it. Most of us know about
the power of the imagination, and we can role-play what it might be to have our
perfect health or whatever down the road. But the secret in step four in The
Attractor Factor is to feel what it would be like to have it now. End of Excerpt-for
the entire 27-minute interview with Joe Vitale click here
Barry: We recently met a woman in California who teaches you how to manifest
in harmony with your IGS, or Internal Guidance System. This secret mentor
teaches you how to lead a full lush life, while at the same time expanding
consciousness as a whole.
Heather: This mentor has a similar outlook to Joe Vitale. That is, it's all about
being happy in the moment. But she takes that even a step further, and this clip
had me looking at coffee in a whole new way.
Secret Master #1: I understand wanting things quickly, but you're going to get
them in the time period that is perfect, because there is a certain way that what
your asking for comes about.
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Barry: I mentioned this on another call, and that's what does people in, it seems.
That buffer of time. You mentioned Abraham Hicks earlier, that's what they call it.
And I meet so many people who are like, "you know what? Look, two years go by
and I haven't got this or that..." They become jaded about this art and science that
we're still talking about.
Secret Master #1: But it's not about achieving things, it's about living your life
right now. It's about being present right now. So for those who become jaded, one
is, yeah, I can see how it's frustrating, I have things on my manifestation list that
I haven't gotten yet. Then I also have a hundred things on my manifestation list
that I go back to, and it's like, oh wow, I got that and I got that and I got that, I
forgot that I even asked for those things they've been in my life so long.
I think the difference in the quest is really-and this is with manifestation-to be
happy now. To notice that you have what you need now. To notice that there are
many little tiny, tiny joyous desires all throughout the day that are being delivered
to you, like an amazing cup of coffee. An amazing cup of coffee is a really great
Heather: Yeah.
Secret Master #1: You have all these wonderful things in your life every
moment, and the more you pay attention to all of these wonderful things in every
moment, the more of those wonderful things get delivered to you.
It's the way Law of Attraction works, but you have to actually stop in the moment
and enjoy the thing for more to be brought unto you. If you're in the middle of
having this wonderful cup of coffee and you're not paying attention to how it feels
on your tongue, and the way it tastes, and the way it smells, and that's it's warm,
and it's cold outside and it's keeping your hands warm. Instead what you're doing
is, "why don't I have a thing, this thing would make me really happy, I'm not
going to be happy until I have this thing."
You're not taking that opportune moment to enjoy that beautiful cup of coffee
that's going to generate in your body the feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment and
perfection that will allow more satisfaction and more enjoyment and more
perfection to come to you.
I have people do a manifestation journal where they put all the big stuff, and I
have a certain way to do the manifestation journal and all of these things. They
put all of the big stuff in there, "this is the purchase order that I want, God, right
here, the Universe, deliver me this." Then it's your job once you've outlined what
you want, and make sure that everything in the book opens you.
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It's your job to be focused on staying open from moment, to moment, to moment,
learning how to utilize your mind to create the opening in the body. If you can just
focus on that piece, you know you're on track. All these little joys and minimiracles
will happen, and you won't be so concerned with the stuff that's in the big
book anymore.
There is something really enticing and beautiful and yummy about learning how to
follow desires that open you, and having a majority of your day be acquisitions of
beautiful mini little desires. And then the big things, they show up, and when they
show up you get excited, and then you go back to doing your daily practice.
The interesting thing is that all little desires that open you become little mini
miracles where you become a symbiotic part of human nature, to where you're in
the right place at the right time for someone who needs you. What will open you is
helping someone fix their tire on their car, and it will open you to give somebody
this little gift, and it will open you to help this person on their project because you
got yours done early. All of a sudden your life becomes a lot more in tune with
divine purpose. . End of Excerpt-for the entire 1-hour & 21-minute interview with
Secret Master #1 click here
Barry: This next clip is of Dr. Demartini who was featured in The Secret, and
people seem to know as someone who is prevalent in quantum physics.
Heather: One of John's main recurring messages is revealed in this clip, and the
funny thing is, because it seems to go against what those first two mentors said,
and in fact against what most personal development experts say, this angle was
left out of the movie.
Dr. John Demartini: I'm going to have to confront something here. For years
and years and years and years I've attempted to be only positive and never
negative. I'm sure you've attempted that in your life. I've talked to thousands of
people, and they all attempt that.
Heather: I've tried it a few times, yeah.
Dr. John Demartini: What happens is that they still, after all the years of
attempting that, they have both sides. They have negative thoughts and negative
things, they even avoid people that remind them of negative things so they can be
what they think are positive. They're negating people and negating things all the
time. What I've found is, instead of trying to get rid of that part of yourself, or get
rid of all the negativity, I found out that whenever I'm setting up a fantasy, a false
expectation--a fantasy is where I have more positives than negatives and a
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nightmare is where I've got more negatives than positives -- any time I set myself
up and shoot with my intention towards a fantasy, I have to have the negative self
talk and the negative events come in to break my addiction to the fantasy. So I
found out that my clear intention, a true intention, is automatically illuminated and
empowered when we have a balanced orientation.
So I don't shoot for just the positive, I shoot for something that is balanced. The
second I go for something that is a positive without a negative, I get negatives in
there that appear to be negative without a positive to balance it. So I'm interested
in not just the positive, I'm interested in something that's whole and balanced.
When I do, I'm grateful and I'm poised. I know that each person on The Secret
had different views on this, but that's just been my own experience. Because the
more I tried to be only the positive, the more I ended up with a bipolar condition,
trying to be positive and happy all the time, then I end up having the challenges
and the sadness come in, and I was thinking, "What's wrong?" Then I realized that
I needed both of them.
Whenever I set goals that were unrealistic and they were exaggerations and they
weren't aligned to my real values, and I got all manic and optimistic and almost
fantasized over them, all of a sudden I attracted challenges and tragedies and
negative events and negative self talk to try to break that addiction. The second I
set real objectives that were aligned to my values, that were balanced in
orientation, my negative self talk went away. The challenges went away. So I
don't shoot for just a one sided world, I shoot for both sides, because everything
that you create is a magnetism and it's got two ends, two poles, and I'm
interested in creating things that can sustain themselves that have a balanced
Heather: How would that affect us in day to day life? Let's say I've got several
positive thoughts, and all of a sudden one of those negative thoughts come in,
then I get into a negative spiral and I just keep thinking negative things for the
next couple of hours. How do I balance that?
Dr. John Demartini: Well, you're designed to have it. Look, I did a day by day
cycle forecasting process where every day, literally for two years, I kept records,
four times a day, of my emotions. And yes, I'm really neurotic enough to do that.
And what I did was, I wanted to see if I really was more positive than negative,
and at the end of two years when I totaled it all up I was balanced. That was a
shock to me, because I had really convinced myself that I was more positive than
negative, and I'd put on a facade that way.
But when I added up all my downsides and all my anger and my frustration and all
the stuff that was going along with it, I had to be honest with myself. Then I
realized that every time I set an objective that was an exaggeration, I had
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negative self-talk come in. The negative self-talk is not something I need to get rid
of, it's just trying to help me hone in on what's true. What I was doing is I was
setting unrealistic expectations, didn't have strategies that matched it, then I was
beating myself up and having negative self talk to kind of hone me in on what's
real for me. . End of Excerpt-for the entire 56-minute interview with Dr. John
DeMartini click here
Barry: This next secret master is who Networking Times called the modern day
answer to Napoleon Hill, and a Jedi master of wealth and prosperity.
Heather: He has a bit of a problem with what Law of Attraction practitioners
generally teach, because it didn't really ring true for him. He explains why and
what needs to be done.
Secret Master #2: I go by what worked for me. I was a dishwasher in a pancake
house making minimum wage. I struggled for 30 years and I tried all kind of jobs,
all kind of businesses, did all kind of things, and I still was what I would now call a
professional victim. I didn't realize it of course, but I had this subconscious
programming that was causing me to sabotage everything I did. So it didn't
matter what business or what job I did, or how hard I worked, I always sabotaged
it. I read all those positive thinking books and all the visualization stuff, so that's
my problem with the Law of Attraction army that just says, "you know, the
attraction, if you just think about it, you manifest it on the physical plane." That's
not really true, if you haven't gone and got rid of your limiting beliefs of your
self-sabotage programming.
The subject we really need to look at here is called memes. A meme is a mind
virus. A mind virus is just like you get on your computer, only it has affected the
hard drive of your mind in this case, which is the subconscious mind. So it's a
practical example, in my case, since as a kid I was poor. I hated being poor; I
always said I was going to be a millionaire when I grew up. I didn't know how, I
didn't know where or what, but I just knew I hated being poor. People say, "We
grew up, we were poor, but we didn't know it." I'm like "Well, you must be a
I was poor and I sure knew it. I hated being poor, so I wanted to be wealthy. So I
did all of these things that the Law of Attraction people would tell you to do, but I
still was attracting misery, heartache, sickness, illness, disease, dysfunctional
relationships and all that other drama. The reason why is I hadn't got rid of the
core beliefs I had, which were, and these are very prevalent beliefs in the world
today, probably 96 or 97% of the population has these core beliefs, whether they
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know it or not. Most don't know it. The beliefs are that money is bad, rich people
are evil, and it's spiritual or noble to be poor.
So you go out and you start a new business, because you say you want to be rich.
But if your core foundational belief is that you've got to sell your soul to make
money, that you've got to be a bad parent to be rich, you've got to be evil and kill
people and cheat people and steal from people to get ahead, if those are your core
beliefs, you're not going to let yourself do that. So you'll attract the crooked
partner, you'll make the bad decisions, you'll buy the restaurant on the highway
right before they close it down for repaving for the next two years. You'll find
some way to manifest failure, because if you fail at getting rich, you succeed at
staying poor, and if you succeed at staying poor that means you're a good, noble
person. End of Excerpt-for the entire 1-hour & 14-minute interview with Secret
Master #2 click here
Barry: This next clip is of Bob Doyle, who's been around quite awhile teaching
the specifics of how the Law of Attraction can increase your wealth consciousness.
Heather: Bob was one of the first Law of Attraction experts I ever interviewed,
and I had asked him about the sensitive topic of money, and why he advises not
to manifest money, but to focus on other things.
Bob Doyle: We all have various levels of resistance in our life, and I certainly still
have areas of resistance. I'm certainly not resistance free, but now instead of this
struggle, it's just like this adventure to work on it. And if millions and millions of
dollars are in my future because that's what my purpose is, in other words if that
will facilitate me being who I'm supposed to be and doing what I'm supposed to do
on this planet, then I'm confident it will come and that will be great if it does. But
for now I'm fine exactly where I am; I'm happy where I am.
I do believe that that's going to happen, but it's not one of those things I'm going
to get attached to. I don't want anybody to get attached to that, because as soon
as you take your eyes off what your true vision for your life is, and start looking at
the money, things will slow down, particularly if you have a lifetime of stuff about
money. That's one of the most important messages I deliver in the program, is
that so many people who find my program have stuff about money. So if they
start trying to go for money, they immediately start thinking, "how am I going to
make this?" or, "it's going to be hard to make this," or "there's no way I can make
this much money doing what I love to do, I've got to come up with something
else." That totally negates the purpose of understanding how the Law of Attraction
works, in that you will attract into your experience whatever it is that you're in
vibrational resonance with at an energetic level.
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So if you are in vibrational resonance with having millions and millions of dollars,
and you are clear on why you want that, why you need that, why it serves you,
and so on, it will happen. But if you're like "Oh God, I need that millions and
millions of dollars because if I don't have it I'm not going to be able to..." what
you're vibrating is, "I don't have, I need it," and that is what you are going to
attract. You are never going to attract it if you feel like you need it, and it's this
desperate sort of situation. So I've never been attached to that. Of course it will
be great and fun to be able to say, "Hey look, I did millions and millions," you
know? But it's not necessary to be happy or feel wealthy.
Heather: So how do people get all those nice things that they want to enjoy,
without getting the money first?
Bob Doyle: Well, there's all sorts of ways. And I'm not saying that money won't
come. That's another thing; I'm not saying to people that money isn't going to
come into your life. I'm saying that if you focus on the money, you're going to
start thinking about how is it going to happen, and it's going to slow down the
manifestation process. Because the Universe can respond instantly, it doesn't need
to have this plan where, "Okay, I'm going to create this incredible invention, and I
gotta market it, and I gotta do this, that and the other thing."
What is going to happen is that if you are clear on your vision-let's say it's car or
a home or relationship or whatever-if you are clear on that, and you get into
vibrational resonance with it, and you do that through your emotions and so on,
basically you are adjusting the energy that is you to vibrate at the same frequency
of having those things, they will come to you in the most efficient way possible.
And sometimes that means you will make a lot of money, or you could win a car or
win something, or you just happen to meet the perfect person; money is not
always required to get these grand things. I mean people acquire stuff all the time
without having to have the money first. End of Excerpt-for the entire 50-minute
interview with Bob Doyle click here
Barry: In this clip you are going to hear a secret master that we found out about
in the land down under, Australia. A contact of ours gave us her information, and
we have good information that she will be in one of the future editions of The
Heather: Her book is about becoming wealthy fast, but she doesn't necessarily
focus on the speed. Here we were addressing the fact that everyone wants
everything immediately, and when it doesn't happen, we start to second guess it
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Secret Master #3: It's one of those Catch 22 situations, you know you want the
prosperity, you know you want the abundance, and so you realize you have to
focus on it, you realize that's what you've got to put your energy into, and then
you stop doing that. And then what happens is we all get so impatient, we all want
everything yesterday, we all want the results immediately. And as you say, when
it doesn't show up straight away, we start to look, and look around and go, "Well
where is it? What's happening? Is it coming? Is it going to work for everyone else,
it's not going to work for me, am I going to continue to be struggling? What's
going on?"
And the moment that's where your focus goes is the moment that you then cancel
that order, and it's no longer coming to you. So we have just got to learn to know
what we want, get very clear on it, focus on it, think about it, visualize it, affirm it,
you know really put all your energy into that. And just let the Universe deliver in
its own sweet time, knowing and understanding and totally believing with every
ounce of your being that once you've put the order in, it's coming. So don't get too
hung up on when, just know it's definitely on its way. And the more you can relax
into that, the faster it will actually come to you.
Heather: So it's actually going against our natural inclination, and just knowing
that it's coming. Because people tend to want to over think, you know?
Secret Master #3: I know what you mean, because I am a Gemini, so half of me
is totally creative, totally what some people would say is "woo woo, out there,"
and the other half of me is so logical that my mind needs to know exactly what's
going on. And so for me personally, when I first started down that path of creating
or discovering how to create that prosperity and abundance, my logical mind was
in overdrive all the time, wondering, "What's going on, is this working? What am I
supposed to do next? Am I doing it right?" I questioned everything all the time.
And so that sort of slowed the process down. But once I started to get little
evidences, little things would start to flow to me, whether it was a little check or a
little bit of money that I found on the ground, or a discount on something, just
those little evidences that I was actually in the flow.
And I began to understand that I needed to really appreciate them when they
came. Yes, I wanted the big froth of abundance, yes I wanted mountains money,
but if I could just learn to appreciate and be grateful for and really celebrate those
tiny bits of abundance that came to me, that allowed me to loosen up and be in
that place of accepting more and more and more, and it's, for those people that
get into that flow, they understand what I mean when I say the money just starts
to get bigger and bigger and bigger and the flow turns into a flood and then into
an absolute ocean of abundance. You just have to be grateful for everything, big
and small in between. End of Excerpt-for the entire 59-minute interview with
Secret Master #3 click here
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Barry: This next master that you are about to hear is somebody who is near and
dear to both of our hearts, because he has pretty much told it to not only our
audience straight, but to ourselves pretty straight as well. I like to call him the
John Wayne of Manifesting. He definitely does mince his words.
Heather: Here we are tackling one of the most common misconceptions about
manifestation, that it means conjuring stuff up out of thin air. And in fact, probably
the most powerful manifesters in the world can do that, but it's not what most of
us do.
Secret Master #4: When I go to United Airlines or Air Canada or whoever, if I go
up to the front desk and say, "Now listen, I am giving a lecture in Chicago and I
am going to let 500 people come for absolutely free, and I am a spiritual teacher,
you should probably let me on the plane, right?" I don't think that that really
works so well, they don't really come from that place. In fact they don't even let
priests fly free. It doesn't work like that; that thinking is lack mentality, it's totally
lack mentality. And it comes from the same mentality of people saying, "Money
doesn't matter."
You know what, tell that to your landlord. That mentality is a lack mentality. You
need to move yourself into a place of understanding that we live in a society-
help me with this one-we live in a society that has created value around
something called currency, money. Whether it is real or not doesn't matter, they
are pieces of paper with old people's heads on them. You know, they're just pieces
of paper. But we a__ociate value to that. And we need that stuff in order to get
around in our lives, nothing wrong with that, it's just what it is.
What is really for sale is this...the medium of exchange of energy. We are
exchanging energy. You want some of my energy in the form of knowledge, in the
form of being in my presence, or whatever it is. That is we do an energy
exchange. Your exchange is called money, mine is whatever it is. You want to
exchange energy with somebody else, you exchange it through another form.
We're all doing this all the time. Money is just an energy, if you get yourself
caught in that, by making it so that you are asking those kinds of questions,
there's a lack mentality going on. And that lack mentality is keeping you broke.
Live in a place of being excited when you hear your friend or someone you know
has gotten wealthy. Be excited about that. Because the same people who are
saying that's against the Law of Attraction, are actually saying, "Give me a frickin
hand-out." There is no abundance in hand-outs, mate. No abundance at all.
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Now I am putting away the soapbox, and I am coming back on the call.
Heather: Well, Barry is still on his soapbox.
Secret Master #4: Is he?
Barry: Yeah, well he [a community member] got me in a ten-minute tirade last
week. I actually put a recording on the forum about this. I just started ranting
about this. It's not just one of these things I get just off the cuff, it's like once
every week now. "If your portal is so good, if your mentors that you interview are
so good, then they should manifest whatever they want when they want and just
give what they have away."
Secret Master #4: Okay, good. Now you have just given it, that's it, fantastic.
That is a really great example of the problem with this movement towards the Law
of Attraction. People think that things just show up. So they think that the masters
of manifestation, that we sit around and we do our little technique, the Equation
for Manifestation, or whatever it is we do, and things just show up. So all of a
sudden, I want to fly to Toronto and the tickets show up in my mailbox. That's not
how it works!
It's not magic. Magic is illusion. Look up the word magic. It means illusion. It is
not magic; it is creating, it's focusing so the Universe clears a way for it to show
up for you. But you have to pay attention; it is not going to show up out of
nothing. It does for the kind of masters that we are not.
There have been masters, i.e., the guy we were talking about before who turned
water into wine. There level of mastery is so fantastic, there is so little doubt, that
it just shows up. For the rest of us, it just is moving things out of the way so that
stuff that looks like coincidence just keeps happening so often that it just does not
make any sense for it to be coincidence. That it's actually a synchronistic event
that is taking place out of the Law of Resonance.
That is why that person is saying that, "if these people are such great manifestors,
why don't they just manifest whatever they want and give it to us?" Well, you
know what, that person has the mentality that they think things show up out of
thin air just because you're meditating on them. That is not how it works. End of
Excerpt-for the entire 1-hour & 53-minute interview with Secret Master 4 click
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Barry: This next excerpt is from an interview we did together that was, in my
thinking, one of the most passionate, fiery, energetic, conversations we have ever
had with somebody.
Heather: The mentor teaches us that in order to manifest miracles, as he calls
them, we should not be doing what most of us do; in fact, we have to do the
Secret Master #5: Really, the secret is not really a secret. Many people, what
they do is, they go through life trying to find how to get things done, by looking
for the answers outside of themselves instead of looking for the answers within
themselves. One thing I speak a lot about when it comes to manifesting dreams
and things like that, is most people are taught to become what is called "outcome
oriented." They try to do whatever it takes and buy programs and seminars on
"How can I make this happen?" and whatever.
What I found out for me is that what I teach people is to become is internally
driven. It is a very different distinction right there. When you are internally driven,
there is a passion, something far much greater than any goal you can think of,
that drives you. That is where the manifesting miracles comes into play. It is not
about trying to figure out, "How can I make this happen?"
For example, one thing that I give an example in my speaking engagements is
that when people go to seminars right, and they find themselves, I ask them,
"how many of you have partaken in one of those multi level marketing programs?"
People raise their hands. "How many of you have ever bought those tapes on how
to make money on this, or how to get this or whatever?" The things from the
infomercials or whatever the case may be. Then I ask them, "how many of you
notice that those seminars on those tapes are collecting dust in your house?" I
have been there and seen people with thousands of dollars in how to make money
in the real estate, and stock market, and all that stuff.
Barry: Everybody can relate, yeah.
Secret Master #5: But it is collecting dust there. The reason why is because
they can sell you the program, which is fine, but they can never sell you their
passion. The passion is what drives them, and whoever succeeds in those
programs actually drives themselves to make all these things happen.
So the manifesting miracles comes down to, "listen to your heart, listen to
whatever it is that you were put on this earth to do," which is not that difficult. But
it is a process, and it's a process that you cannot teach that overnight.
Intellectually I can share it with you, which is why you did the manifesting
miracles course over thirty days, because it is a process.
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A great quote from a student asking a master is, "I want to become enlightened
like you are." The master said, "Then study with me for ten years." The student
said, "No, you do not understand, I am willing to work twenty four hours, seven
days a week. Whatever it takes, I will do."
The master said, "In that case it is going to take you twenty years." End of
Excerpt-for the entire 2-hour & 20-minute interview with Secret Master #5 click
Barry: And this clip is of good old Jack Canfield himself, Mr. Chicken Soup for the
Heather: It took me a year to manifest this interview with Jack Canfield, and
when it happened it was effortless. But while he does obviously teach the Law of
Attraction, he puts equal importance on other success principles, like he talks
about here.
Jack Canfield: I am a big believer in the Law of Attraction, which says if you just
have an intention you release it to Universe, or "let go or let God" as many people
say, and trust that it will happen, that you will in fact attract many of those things
into your life. What I like to work with, in addition to that is the psychological and
brain science, neuroscience dimension, which has taught us things like, if you
visualize your goal as already complete, you actually program the unconscious to
start coming up with creative ideas.
It is as if everyday that you do that you are sending out an email through the
wireless Internet to all the other brains on the planet who start picking that up.
That is how you attract people into your life. Over time they begin to sense, in a
weird kind of way, that they want to play with you. They are attracted to you; it is
what the Law of Attraction means.
So as far as goals, saying specific things like, "I want to have a four thousand
square foot house, on Pacific Coast Highway by June 13th, 2006," or 2007 or 2008
or whatever the goal is; I believe in that, and I do that because I believe that the
unconscious doesn't know exactly what to manifest for you if you do not give it a
very specific request.
I also know that I have set many goals. I do about twenty-one major goals a year,
three in each of those seven categories, sometimes a few more. What happens for
me is that I don't always achieve every one of those goals within that
twelve-month period. But usually within eighteen to twenty-four months I do.
I teach what I call high intention, low attachment, which means you have a high
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intention, you work very diligently to create what you want, use all of the creative
processes and the mind laws and everything else we know in terms of success
principles, but you are not attached to the outcome. You are not frustrated, and
you are not in a state of anxiety or fear. And if it does not turn up exactly the way
you think, you trust that the Universe may know a little bit better about how and
when it is going to do that.
Heather: Now, what do you mean when you say we have to believe in the
Jack Canfield: A lot of us have goals that we really do not believe that either we
deserve it, or we do not believe that it is possible. I believe that you have got to
have a positive expectation. My first mentor was a guy named W. Clement Stone
who was worth six hundred million dollars, and that is back in 1968. He took me
under his wing and said, "If you promise to teach other people what I will teach
you, I will teach you everything I know about how to be successful."
I made that promise, and I have kept it, he did, and so on and so forth. One of the
things that he really taught me was the power of positive expectation. If you go up
to bat in a baseball game and you are expecting to hit a single, there is no way
you are going to hit a home run. You have got to go up every time expecting that
you're going to hit a home run. The same is true when I give a talk, I expect
everybody is going to like it and enjoy it.
When I give a seminar I expect that we will fill it. When I talk to my children I
expect that they will follow the train of thought and either agree with me or tell
me a good reason why we should do it differently. I am always expecting the best,
whereas a lot of people come up and they are expecting to fail they are expecting
to get fired, they are expecting... they say things like, "Well nothing good ever
happens to me."
If you say that, then you create the emotional state of experiencing that, and that
is what you keep attracting into your life. End of Excerpt-for the entire 49-
minute interview with Jack Canfield click here
Barry: We found out about a guy in Florida who NASA calls on to make their
astronauts more effective. He is one of the leading authorities on what I like to call
"Inner World Goal Setting." He teaches you how to apply modern day mind power
technology with traditional goal setting techniques.
Heather: Now, this guy is obviously very focused on the hands-on goal setting
techniques, yet his methods also involve the less physical aspects of success, like
visualization, and as he talks about in this clip, the emotion.
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Heather: How important is the vision, as opposed to the emotion that is attached
to that vision?
Secret Master #6: Yeah, that's big. That's asking the same question, "How
important is the automobile compared to the gasoline?" One is a paperweight, an
automobile, no matter if it is a '72 Pinto or it's a brand new Mercedes, without
gasoline they are both functionally useless. The same thing is true with any type of
a goal. So it is a great question. We all need psychological fuel. I prefer to call it
psychological mojo. I mean, what is it that Dr. Evil took from Austin Powers?
It was his mojo, right? The thing that turned him on, his life force, the thing that
got him so passionate and excited. When it comes to setting and achieving a goal
ultimately, it is the "why," it is the fuel. I mean there has to be some reason that
drives us. I'll use an example here, when a police officer shows up on the scene,
and let's just say that there's a murder that has taken place and we could tell it
was premeditated. One, the word premeditated is interesting because it tells us it
was thought out, it was planned for, it was implemented. But as the police officer
goes and looks at the scene, he's going to look for clues that are going to help him
identify who the killer is; but more importantly he's going to be looking for
something that starts with an "M". Motive. Motivation. Now my question to you, or
to everyone who's listening is, what comes first, the murder or the motivation for
the murder?
Heather: The motivation.
Secret Master #6: You got it. Same thing goes as it relates to achieving a goal,
what comes first? Well, many people are spending so much time and energy
identifying the goal, but what they don't realize is that something comes before
that, the motivation, the fuel. That's what compels it, that's what drives it, that's
what sustains it. It's the same thing with a marriage, what comes first, the fact
you got married or why you got married? Why you got married came before the
And why you got married is the reason why you stayed married. What you'll find is
that if anyone finds themselves in a counseling session, what the counselor is
going to do is ask you simple psychology 101, "why did you fall in love in the first
place?" And what they're going to suggest you do is go back and toss another log
on the fire, rekindle the "why". So the funny thing that I hear speakers say all the
time is, "You've got to keep the dream alive, you've got to keep the dream alive,
you've got to keep the goal alive." But it's utterly ridiculous! The thing that you
have to keep alive is the "why", the "why" is the only sustainable factor, it's like a
fire in a fireplace...if you don't keep tossing the logs on the fire it's going to go out.
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Entropy will take over and chaos will ensue, that's the way it goes. End of Excerpt
-for the entire 1-hour & 33-minute interview with Secret Master #6 click here
Barry: This next clip is of a mentor that I tracked down and had the pleasure of
interviewing for almost two hours, he is James Ray, who you saw in The Secret as
telling you that your wish is your command, and he was the one with the genie
behind him. James is on a mission to teach and promote spiritual wisdom and
strategies that educate the student and listener how to manifest tangible results in
life, without having to go through a lot of wishing and hoping and daydreaming.
Heather: He's very much a quantum physics type of guy, which doesn't
necessarily jive with religious teachings, so here he's discussing the difference
between religion and spirituality, and the amount of power we actually have.
James Ray: Well you know there was a recent study done, probably I think two
or three Christmases ago, and they asked the group of individuals surveyed, "Do
you consider yourself religious?" and over 95% of them said, "No, I'm not
religious, but I'm spiritual." There's a big difference, and that's why if you look at
the amount of control and the amount of scope of impact that traditional religion is
having on the mass majority, it's rapidly declining, and that's very fearful to some
of the old systems. You see, here's what-and I'm not anti-religion-here's the
difference in my mind between spirituality and religion: spirituality is your
one-on-one relationship with your creative source. However you define him, her,
or it. Religion is a system of rules and methodologies to have that relationship.
Now what has become problematic in western culture primarily is that we've lost
the forest for the trees, we've began to worship our methodologies and our
systems instead of worshiping and building that relationship one-on-one. You see,
we've built institutions that get together and talk about dead prophets, or talk
about God, instead of talking about becoming the prophet. You see, whether you
look at the Buddha, or the Krishna, or the Christ, any of their teachings, they did
not tell you to worship them, they told you to become them.
I can quote any of the traditions, but most people in western culture have been
exposed to Judeo-Christian, well the Christian tradition, and so I'll just quote the
Christian prophet here. He said, "Even the least among you can do everything I've
done, and even greater things." I talk about this in my live events. I ask my
audiences, "can you turn water into wine?" And they're like, "no," and I say, "Yes,
you can, you just don't know how yet. You can. Can you walk on water? Yes, you
can. You just don't know how yet."
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You know what, Barry? When I get to walk on water figured out, I'm going to be a
billionaire, man. Because that's going to be the most incredible seminar on the
planet, no one's going to be able to touch it. End of Excerpt-for the entire 1-hour
& 51-minute interview with James Ray click here
Barry: This next clip is of a mentor in The Secret that Heather and I have both
had the pleasure of interviewing, and he's often a__ociated with the phrase:
"Thoughts become things." That would be Mr. Mike Dooley.
Heather: Mike's on a similar wavelength to James and there's a reason he
doesn't use certain religious words, and in fact he goes a bit further in explaining
our true power here.
Mike Dooley: To some people, I would say, "I don't believe in God, I'm the
biggest atheist on the planet," because 99.9% of the time, the word God means
"being outside of ourselves". There is no being outside of ourselves. There is
nobody out there to pray to. There's only you out there, and you are far more than
you realize. So God is really a metaphor, but a lot of people believe it's loaded
with baggage, most people believe it's an entity outside of ourselves, and I don't
believe in an entity outside of ourselves. So, I mean the God word to me is not
one I almost ever use.
So then the Universe, well, people don't have all that baggage with the Universe,
so I use the Universe. But, then again, I got to say the Universe is a metaphor for
the greater you, your greater self. You are the Universe.
There is not a Universe out there conspiring on your behalf. There's just the
greater you out there conspiring on your behalf. Now that might scare somebody,
and think, "Well, I want there to be a Universe out there." Well that's why we have
God and religion, because people didn't want to believe in themselves, they'd
rather believe it's in someone else's hands, even if it's a mean God or an angry
God. It's better than their own hands.
And still to this day, people are very much of this persuasion, they don't trust
themselves, they don't love themselves. So it's easier to use the word 'Universe'
because it doesn't have the baggage, yet it still allows people to not feel like
they're carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. But the fact of the
matter is there is no Universe out there independent of us. It is very much totally
who we are.
So then to further get to the answer of your question, knowing that we are the
Universe, that there's not a Universe independent of us conspiring on us, that's
just a metaphor, a helpful way of seeing how magnificent and expansive we are,
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then let me refer you to my little story, "Lost in s___e". It's a tiny little thing that I
Barry: I love that book, by the way.
Mike Dooley: Thanks. But it says that basically there were a bunch of Gods, and
this was before I was using the word "Universe." They were all sort of sitting
around, this was before Time and s___e, they were bored to their teeth, they
decided it wasn't enough. They were always everywhere at once and whatever
they wanted they got, and whatever they wanted to change they did, it was like,
"same old, same old." So they decided to then create a new dimension for their
reality, and I'll try to blast through this quickly.
The new dimension they invented was s___e. They discovered after they invented
it, this way they weren't everywhere at once, you see if you're God you're
omniscient, you're always everywhere at once, there is no Time or s___e. You're
everywhere, you're always, you're now, you're there, you're here, it's all the same
thing. So by inventing s___e, they discovered that they could project their focus to
one particular point, and one of them could do it here, another one could go over
there. For the first time there were these borders, these definitions, and they
discovered they could devise patterns of adventure, amongst these points. It was
really a blast. They gave it an acronym, the Secret Pattern Adventure for Creative
Enlightenment, or S.P.A.C.E. for short.
Well, s___e was so much fun that things were never the same. And they got even
more fun when they realized that s___e could be filled with the only thing that had
ever existed up to that point: thought. Yet when they held a thought at a
predetermined point in s___e, low and behold it would manifest. They could think
big or small, loud or quiet, dark or purple, or every variable imaginable. There
before them there would be a duplicate, a manifestation of their thought, it would
appear outside of themselves when it was projected within s___e.
They discovered they could Manifest Any Thought That Existed into Reality. The
acronym for that is M.A.T.T.E.R. Well, at the same time Matter was invented,
being the authors of creation, they were playing games; one of which was hide
and seek, and as could be predicted, they hid under Matter, animated in the now.
I'm telling you this story-I know you know this story, others don't-I know it
might sound fictitious or ludicrous, but I think it's far more realistic and far more
truthful than virtually any other story of reality I've ever heard, whether it's
Evolution or Creationism and God's spinning the Earth in seven days and taking
Sunday off, or something like that. End of Excerpt-for the entire 1-hour & 29-
minute interview with Mike Dooley click here
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Barry: This next clip is of a mentor that Heather tracked down herself, somebody
that I have admired from afar for quite a few years. I was an executive recruiter
for a while, and I happened to know that this mentor's grandfather started
Manpower Inc, and we have solid evidence that he will be in one of the future
editions of The Secret.
Heather: When I interviewed him, he kept saying that what he teaches is the
opposite of what we've ever heard before. And in some ways, it is, but this clip
that seemed so alien the first time I heard it, no pun intended, is actually a more
concise version of what the two previous masters are saying.
Secret Master #7: I believe that we all started out as these infinitely powerful,
wise, and abundant-you could say God-like-beings, who decided that we wanted
to play a game that was based on limiting and restricting and confining all that
infiniteness. And in essence, see if we could convince ourselves that we were the
exact opposite of who we really are. So if who we really are is infinitely powerful,
infinitely wise, and infinitely abundant, the name of the game was to construct an
artificial reality, convince ourselves it's real, and in doing that, convince ourselves
we're the opposite, which means-and I'm being a little overly dramatic here, and
I mean no disrespect to myself or you or anybody else-but to create a reality
where we convince ourselves we're powerless, helpless, poor and stupid.
Heather: And why do we want to do this?
Secret Master #7: Why would you want to smack a piece of rubber and leather
with a big stick and run around dirt and touch a bunch of cloth bags [baseball]?
Heather: It's fun?
Secret Master #7: Because there's challenge, because there's fun to it. If you
look again, any game that really holds our interest, it holds our interest because
it's challenging, it gives us an opportunity to stretch and grow. There's an
exhilaration to it, a fun to it. And so taking an infinitely powerful being and
convincing yourself that you're the exact opposite is a major challenge, and I think
when we first started playing this game, nobody thought we could really pull it off,
necessarily, because it's a massive challenge.
On a much lower level, if somebody could take Tiger Woods and convince him that
he could not play golf, and I'm not talking about using drugs or hypnosis or
anything, but other things, convince him he could not play golf, it would be a
pretty significant achievement.
So this game was created, and it was a limitation game, and it was to convince
ourselves that we're the exact opposite of who we really are, and play within that
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limitation, and that's Phase One of the game, is to convince ourselves, create this
artificial reality. Because, to me, everything that we call the three-dimensional
world or physical reality or the Universe, or whatever you want to call it that the
scientists study and that we think we live in, to me is a creation of consciousness,
it's a complete illusion. It is not real, but we've convinced ourselves it's real. And
we've convinced ourselves that we're limited within it. End of Excerpt-for the
entire 1-hour interview with Secret Mentor #7 click here
Barry: This next clip is of a mentor who has continued to propagate a book which
launched a million millionaires, and his new system is called Holomagic.
Heather: In this clip, we're discussing some of the updates he's made to that
classic, and, well, let's just roll the clip.
Heather: So let's talk about s__ transmutation. How does this help us become a
greater success?
Barry: Yeah, and what chapter is that in, by the way?
Secret Master #8: Chapter 10, wouldn't it be?
Heather: Chapter 10, yes.
Barry: Passion.
Secret Master #8: Yes.
Barry: And by the way, real quickly, before you answer that, these principles in
the new book, they're not renamed, are they?
Secret Master #8: Well, Barry, thanks for asking.
Barry: Well, I looked at passion, I'm thinking, that could be a 1930s word. So I'm
just wondering.
Secret Master #8: It could be. But it was definitely renamed, and it was
originally actually mis-numbered, too. I think it was chapter 11, even though it
was principle number 10, and it was called, as Heather so correctly said, The
Mystery of s__ Transmutation.
Barry: Ah, okay...
Secret Master #8: Actually, scientifically, that is an adequate t__le. But believe
me you...
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Heather: See, that brings to mind all kinds of stuff.
Secret Master #8: Exactly! So, I kind of resaid it, and said, "here's what he's
talking about." Take an example of something we've all seen, and it's not vulgar,
it's just love in motion. You get a female dog in heat, and every male dog will be
breaking fences to get to her. But imagine how much discipline you'd need, how
much reminding, how many affirmations you'd have to say, if you would attach
that same kind of passion to your definite chief aim in life.
Barry: So it's kind of like you're re-channeling these loin-like feelings you have
sometimes? I don't know how to say it. Isn't that what the chapter is about,
though, is re-channeling those s__ual desires and putting them out to your higher
self, where they're coming back in more tangible ways?
Secret Master #8: Well, you've heard about people being in love. You may be
like all the rest of us, and may have even felt that emotion yourself a time or two,
I would bet.
People who are deeply in love, are they more inspired, more charming, more
capable? Are they willing to stay up later and get up earlier to accomplish
something that will be meaningful to their beloved? Are they even willing to take a
chance and a risk, at times? You put all that together and you say, man, there are
a lot of similarities.
Secret Master #8: Yeah, that is interesting, because people in love will definitely
take more risks, won't they? God, I've been there.
Heather: But you know what's interesting? When we're talking about s__
transmutation as opposed to passion, it's almost like the word passion has lost its
passion; people say, "Oh, what are you passionate about?" And there's no passion
there. But as soon as we rename it back to s__ transmutation and start talking
about it in its animal form, all of a sudden, now it's becoming really clear.
Secret Master #8: And we enjoy talking about it, and we're laughing and
giggling at the same time. I mean, we're obviously interested! End of Excerpt-for
the entire 1-hour & 48-minute interview with Secret Mentor #8 click here
Barry: Okay, folks, if you've made it this far, let me just give you a quick
synopsis of why we put this together. And I'm not talking specifically about what
you just listened to, as much as I am the entire package. A lot of our community
has watched the movies What the Bleep Do We Know?, Conversations with God,
The Secret, and it's always about, what's next? And the energy behind that is
great. "I'm pumped up, I'm jacked up, I'm super-excited; how can I employ these
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And The Secret, as we mentioned, the granddaddy of them all, did a great job on
opening up the rabbit hole. And our complete audio interview package actually
takes you deep down that hole, and you can go as far as you like with us, as long
as you like.
Heather: Hopefully we've done a good job, with this talking e-book, of giving you
the sense of the type of content that's involved in the whole package. Now, if
these short three-minute clips are what we're giving away, just imagine what you
can learn by listening to the whole twenty hours of audio and watching the video
interviews, reading the transcripts, not to mention the tons of bonuses that we're
giving away. One of those bonuses includes access to a little-known site where
you can get more audio interviews with mentors from The Secret.
Barry: And to get the entire package Heather just described, if somebody's given
you this e-book and you don't know where to get it, go straight to this webpage.
Thanks for listening.
Heather: And we hope you become a Master of the Secret, too.
- # # # # -
Get The Complete Audio / Transcript Set HERE
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See also:
Sophie Ellis Today The Sun's On Us Lyrics