Rich Mullins None Are Stronger [Live] Lyrics
("See, I believe that if you were chosen, that if you were elected. I believe if God has anything for you, it's not just to make you happy. God did not choose you and call you out of this world just to make you high. And God didn't choose you and God didn't call you out of this world just so you that could be pious. Because there are enough pious people and enough happy people in the world. What God called you for, and what God called you to is to make a difference in the world.
"You know, there are a lot of people who have never heard the gospel of Christ. Somehow, I have a little bit of trouble when I see people spend fifteen, sixteen bucks a hit to hear some flashy Christian group say 'Jesus is Lord' to the tune of fifteen bucks a person when there are people who live not far from here who can't even afford to buy a Bible. And somehow, it seems a little bit weird that we should have more ministers in this country and fewer people, when in the world where there are so many people who would give anything to have a minister, they can't find them, because they're not there, because they're in our country.
"I don't believe that God chose you and blessed you so that you could heap those blessings up upon yourself. I believe God chose you and you and you and every one of you others, because He wants to make a difference in this world. And you know what? What I think is scary about God is He didn't come up with any 'plan B.' That He left the church here, and the church is the only group of people and the church is the only institution in the world that can bring about a change. This government cannot do it, so stop depending on the government. Educational systems cannot do it, so stop trusting educational systems. The church was chosen by God to make a difference.
"And you know what, people? You ain't going to make a difference by building more bombs. And you ain't going to make a difference by putting on more makeup and showing up on more television shows. And you're not going to make a difference by having the loudest P/A or the biggest crowd at your concerts. You're gonna make a difference when you lay down your life, and in complete submission to God, choose to die with Him in service to other people. And I had this great realization one night, and that's when I wrote this song.")
And as I lay me down one evening,
I thought of Jesus on the hill
And how for men He was weeping,
When it was Him they were going to kill
And I know it would have saved them
Had they only just allowed
None are stronger than the humble
And few are weaker than the proud
And then my thoughts, they turned to David,
And how he watched his father's flocks
How the music that he was playing
Could calm the demons in a mighty man's heart
And when the prophet came round looking for a king,
He sought young David out,
'Cause none are stronger than the humble
And few are weaker than the proud
And I know that you know about Moses,
And how he left the Pharoah's courts
When he saw the injustice
Done to the people, the people of the Lord
And though his fears drove him to hiding,
The Lord his heart with courage soon endowed
'Cause none are stronger than the humble
And few are weaker than the proud
And none are stronger than the humble
And few are weaker than the proud
See also:
Rich Mullins Never Heard the Music [Songwriting Demo] Lyrics
Rich Mullins O Come All Ye Faithful [Songwriting Demo] Lyrics