GReeeeN 子犬 Lyrics


歌手 GReeeeN
作詞 GReeeeN
作曲 GReeeeN

ある晴れた日の午後です 僕は道の片隅で
君は僕を見つけ 頭撫でてくれました

今までの僕下向き歩く 冷たい風で心も寒く

僕らいつもどこでも一緒で 君がくれたたくさんの日々
夢の様なこんな時がいつまでも 続いてくれたらいいなぁ...。

晴れた日の公園で 僕らはいつも遊びます
君の投げたボールをくわえ 君のもとへ駆け寄った。
とてもとても うれしい事です 君との思い出が増えました。

今までの僕下向き歩く 冷たい風で心も寒く

僕らいつもどこでも一緒で 君がくれたたくさんの日々
夢の様なこんな時がいつまでも 続いてくれたらいいなぁ...。

強い風が吹いて 雨が降って カミナリが鳴って
泣きたくて 会いたくて と思ったとき
既に君の胸 濡れた僕抱くその腕


僕らなんで分かり合えるのか わからないけど大好きだよ
明日も明後日も 僕らのこの幸せが続いてくれたらいいなぁ...。

僕らいつもどこでも一緒で 君がくれたたくさんの日々
夢の様なこんな時がいつまでも 続いてくれたらいいなぁ...。

ある晴れた日の午後です 僕は庭の片隅で
It is a sunny afternoon I met with you during play with insects and birds and flowers and grass in one corner of the street.
Your voice is very friendly and I find my head撫DE "Come home," he said.

The cold wind and cold heart to walk me down now
I walk beside you in the future "be friends" He said you.

Many days did you have with us always and everywhere
I hope I have ever been at this like a dream.

We in the park on a sunny day you駆KE寄TTA addition to throwing the ball all the time you play.
You have increased and the memories of you is to me very very happy about the撫DE my head.

The cold wind and cold heart to walk me down now
I walk beside you in the future "be friends" He said you.

Many days did you have with us always and everywhere
I hope I have ever been at this like a dream.

When I have been ringing会ITAKU泣KITAKU the thunder and rain and strong winds blowing
Wet my chest with the arms you have already

Hut was broken that day, my favorite (UCHI) You are looking at a new barn soon (UCHI) built us laughed.

I do not know what I love and I know we合ERU
I hope I have been this happy for us tomorrow and day after next.

Many days did you have with us always and everywhere
I hope I have ever been at this like a dream.

It is a sunny afternoon I was making my hut at the corner of your garden (UCHI) I wait for your return.

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