Dead Stop Walk The Line Lyrics

No opinion, have no thoughts
have noc feelings, kill your heart
they will tell you where to walk
they will tell you when to talk

there are just some things i'd like to say
but i'm afraid they'll blow me away
freedom of speech just left the door
now i'm afraid they'll make me pay

shut your mouth, just obey
black or white, but never grey
they will tell you what to do
or they will come after you

there are just some things i'd like to say
but i'm afraid they blow me away
freedom of speech just left the door
now i'm afraid they'll make me pay

shut your mouth, just obey
black or white, but never grey
they will tell you what to do
or they will come after you

See also:

Pandora Ave MarĂ­a Lyrics
Fahrenheit Bu Shi Zhi Mi - The Secret of Immortality Lyrics