Jay Chou 06. Shanghai, 1943 Lyrics
fan huang de chuan lian huan can liu zai qiang shang
The yellowing new year scrolls still left abandoned on the walls
yi xi ke jian ji ge zi sui sui ping an
Can still see a few words "peace for every generation"
zai wo mei hui qu guo de lao jia mi gang
In the old home rice container which I haven't returned to before
ye ye yong kai shu xie yi ge man
Grandpa used scripted calligraphy to write a bucketful
huang jin ge pa man le diao hua de men chuang
Golden coarse grass linen climbed all over the engraved doors and windows
xi yang xie xie ying zai ban bo de zhuan qiang
The setting sun diagonally shining on the variegated brick wall
pu zhe ju mu ban de wu nei hai mi man
The house covered with beech wood planks was still filled with the smell (of)
lao lao dang nian nian de dou ban jiang
The hot bean paste that Grandma made that year
wo dui zhe hei bai zhao pian kai shi xiang xiang
Facing the black and white photos, I began to visualize
ba he ma dang nian de mo yang
Dad and Mom's appearance that year
shuo zhe yi kou wu nong ruan yu de gu niang huan huan zou guo wai tan
A lady speaking a mouthful of soft words in Shanghai dialect slowly walked by Waitan
消失的 旧时光 一九四三
xiao shi de jiu shi guang yi jiu si san
The old times that have disappeared, 1943
在回忆 的路上 时间变好慢
zai hui yi de lu shang shi jian bian hao man
On the path of memories, time has become very slow
老街坊 小弄堂
lao jie fang xiao nong tang
Old neighbourhoods, narrow alleys
shi shu yu na nian dai bai qiang hei wa de dan dan de you shang
Belong to the gloomy sadness of that era's white walls and black tiles
消失的 旧时光 一九四三
xiao shi de jiu shi guang yi jiu si san
The old times that have disappeared, 1943
回头看 的片段 有一些风霜
hui tou kan de pian duan you yi xie feng shuang
Looking back at the scenes, one can see the hardships experienced
老唱盘 旧皮箱
lao chang pan jiu pi xiang
Old record players, old leather suitcases
zhuang man le ming xin pian de tie he li cang zhe yi pian mei gui hua ban
Inside the metal box that is filled with postcards, there lies a rose petal that's hidden
See also:
Evanescence Tournquet Lyrics
Stefani Stefani - I plachat i bogatite Lyrics