Jay Chou 愛在西元前 | Ai Zai Xi Yuan Qian | Love Before the Century Lyrics

Verse 1
古巴比倫王 / 頒布了漢 / 摩拉比法典
Gu Ba Bi Lun w___ / Ban Bu Le Han / Mo La Bi Fa Dian
The ancient King of Babylon passed the Hammurabi code of laws

刻在黑色的玄武岩 / 距今已經三千七 / 百多年
Ke Zai He Se De Xuan Wu Yan / Ju Jin Yi San Qian Qi / Bai Duo Nian
It was carved on black diorite 3700 years ago

妳在櫥窗前 / 凝視碑文的字眼
Ni Zai Chu Chuang Qian/ Ning Shi Bei Wen De Zi Yan
You stand before the display, looking intently at the carvings

我卻在旁靜靜 / 欣賞妳那張 / 我深愛的臉
Wo Que Zai Pang Jing Jing / Xin Shang Ni Na Zhang / Wo Shen Ai De Lian
I stand aside, quietly admiring your face, which I deeply adore

Verse 2
祭司 / 神殿 / 征戰 弓箭 / 是誰的從前
Ji Si / Shen Dian / Zheng Zhan Gong Jian / Shi Shui De Cong Qian
Offerings, alter, war, bow & arrow, whose past do they belong to?

喜歡在人潮中 / 妳只屬於 / 我的那畫面
Xi Huan Zai Ren Chao Zhong / Ni Zhi Shu Yu / Wo De Na Hua Mian
I love how you belong only to me in the midst of this crowd

經過蘇美 / 女神身邊
Jing Guo Su Mei / Nu Shen Shen Bian
We pass the Sumerian Goddess

我以女神 / 之名許願
Wo Yi Nu Shen / Zhi Ming Xu Yuan
And I wish in the name of the Goddess

思念像底格里 / 斯河般的漫延
Si Nian Xiang Di Ge Li / Si He Ban De Man Yan
My missing goes on like the Tigris River

當古文明只剩 / 下難解的語言
Dang Gu Wen Ming Zhi Sheng / Xia Nan Jie De Yu Yan
When what is left of the Ancient Civilization is but an illegible language

傳說就成了/ 永垂 / 不朽 / 的詩篇
Chuan Shuo Jiu Cheng Le / Yong Chui / Bu Xiu / De Shi Pian
The myth becomes a never-ending poem

我給妳的 / 愛寫在西元前
Wo Gei Ni De / Ai Xie Zai Xi Yuan Qian
My love for you has been written before this Century

深埋在 / 美索不達米 /亞平原
Shen Mai Zai / Mei s_____ Da Mi / Ya Ping Yuan
And it has been buried in the flatlands of Mesopotamia

幾十 / 個世 / 紀後出土發現
Ji Shi / Ge Shi / Ji Hou Chu Tu Fa Xian
Uncovered after many centuries

泥板上的 / 字跡依然 / 清晰可見
Ni Ban Shang De / Zi Ji Yi Ran / Qing Xi Ke Jian
We find the wordings to be still clear & intelligible

我給妳的 / 愛寫在西元前
Wo Gei Ni De / Ai Xie Zai Xi Yuan Qian
My love for you has been written before this century

深埋在 / 美索不達米 /亞平原
Shen Mai Zai / Mei s_____ Da Mi / Ya Ping Yuan
And it has been buried in the flatlands of Mesopotamia

用楔形文 / 字刻下了永遠
Yong Xie Xing Wen / Zi Ke Xia Le Yong Yuan
The promise of forever carved in cuneiform

那已風化千 / 年的誓言 / 一切又重演
Na Ying Feng Hua Qian / Nian De Shi Yan / Yi Qie You Chong Yan
The promise that has been eroded for thousands of years, will be re-enacted now

*Repeat Verse 1
*Repeat Chorus

我感到很疲倦 / 離家鄉還是很遠
Wo Gan Dao Hen Pi Juan / Li Jia Xiang Hai Shi Hen Yuan
I feel exhausted, I am far away from home

害怕再/ 也不/ 能回到 / 你身邊
Hai Pa Zai / Ye Bu / Neng Hui Dao / Ni Shen Bian
I am afraid that I will never be by your side again

*Repeat Chorus

Ai Zai Xi Yuan Qian
Love Before the Century

Ai Zai Xi Yuan Qian
Love Before the Century

See also:

Francisco Bochaton Vida Simple Lyrics
Alfredo Zitarrosa A Jose Artigas Lyrics