Jay Chou 逆鳞 | Ni Lin | Against the Grain Lyrics

而生命 (对每个人) 都不公平 (也没道理)
Er Sheng Ming (Dui Mei Ge Ren) Dou Bu Gong Ping (Ye Mei Dao Li)
So that's life (to everyone), it's unfair (and unreasonable)

只能扑向 (泥泞迎向) 那阵骤雨 (由不得你)
Zhi Neng Pu Xiang (Ni Ning Ying Xiang) Na Zhen Zhou Yu (You Bu De Ni)
Only to pounce forth (right into the mud) In that rain (nothing you can do about it)

突来的骤雨 这条街一路泥泞
Tu Ran Lai De Zhou Yu Zhe Tiao Jie Yi Lu Ni Ning
The sudden rain, the streets paved with mud

就像人生 不过是一场即兴
Jiu Xiang Ren Sheng Bu Guo Shi Yi Chang Ji Xing
Just like life, it is just another act of improvisation

整个世界 正在对我们挑衅
Zheng Ge Shi Jie Zheng Zai Dui Wo Men Tiao Xin
The whole world is out against us

就算如此 还是得无惧前进
Jiu Suan Ru Ci Hai Shi Dei Wu Ju Qian Jin
Even so, we'll still go on, unafraid.

手中的邮报 封面的人在微笑
Shou Zhong De You Bao Feng Mian De Ren Zai Wei Xiao
The newspaper in hand, the man on the headlines is smiling

下个路口 生命在暗巷尖叫
Xia Ge Lu Kou Sheng Ming Zai An Xiang Jian Jiao
At the next junction, life is screaming from a dark alley

活着只是 油墨上面的一角
Huo Zhe Zhi Shi You Mo Shang Mian De Yi Jiao
Life is just like an ink blot on a page

明天之后 还有谁翻阅的的到
Ming Tian Zhi Hou Hai Shui Fan Yue De De Dao
After tomorrow, who would still be able to read it

我跟你用不同方式 踩过前方带刺荆棘
Wo Gen Ni Yong Bu Tong Fang Shi Cai Guo Qian Fang Dai Ci Jing Ji
In our own ways, we stepped through the bed of thorns ahead

你嚣张不畏惧退缩 我低头沉默却坚定
Ni Xiao Zhang Bu Wei Ju Tui Suo Wo Di Tou Chen Mo Que Jian Ding
You were arrogant and fearless. I was silent, but determined

用力的还击 发出声音
Yong Li De Huan Ji Fa Chu Sheng Yin
Strike back with might! Shout in response!

让他们安静 不敢相信
Rang Ta Men An Jing Bu Gan Xiang Xin
Make them silent! Stunned in disbelievement!

继续前进 他们畏惧
Ju Xu Qian Jin Ta Men Wei Ju
Continue advancing! They're cowering in fear!

睁大眼睛 他们躲避
Zheng Da Yan Jing Ta Men Duo Bi
Stare at them! They're hiding!

然后放弃 专心聆听 我的声音
Ran Hou Fang Qi Zhuan Xin Ling Ting Wo De Sheng Yin
Then, give up. Listen carefully to my voice now

而生命 (对每个人) 都不公平 (也没道理)
Er Sheng Ming (Dui Mei Ge Ren) Dou Bu Gong Ping (Ye Mei Dao Li)
So that's life (to everyone), it is unfair (and unreasonable)

只能扑向 (泥泞迎向) 那阵骤雨 (由不得你)
Zhi Neng Pu Xiang (Ni Ning Ying Xiang) Na Zhen Zhou Yu (You Bu De Ni)
Only to pounce forth (right into the mud), in that rain (nothing you can do about it)

如果生命 (对每个人) 都不公平 (也没道理)
Ru Guo Sheng Ming (Dui Mei Ge Ren) Dou Bu Gong Ping (Ye Mei Dao Li)
So if life (to everyone), it is unfair (and unreasonable)

那就让我 (带着孤寂) 继续前进 (直到光明)
Na Jiu Rang Wo (Dai Zhe Gu Ji) Ju Xu Qian Jin (Zhi Dao Guang Ming)
Then let me (in my loneliness), continue advancing (till we see the light)

我 我 我只有一种容貌 我就是永远不会倒
Wo Wo Wo Jiu Zhi You Yi Zhong Rong Mao Wo Jiu Shi Yong Yuan Bu Hui Dao
I, I, I only have one type of personality, I will never fail

我就算逆境环绕 我面对也要带着笑
Wo Jiu Suan Ni Jing Huan Rao Wo Mian Dui Ye Yao Dai Zhe Xiao
Even under pressure, I will face it with a smile

我只有一种咆哮 我要让他们都知道
Wo Zhi You Yi Zhong Pao Xiao Wo Yao Rang Ta Men Dou Zhi Dao
I have only one kind of roar, I want to let them all know

我生命再怎么粗糙 我都要活的很骄傲
Wo De Sheng Ming Zai Zen Me Cu Cao Wo Dou Yao Huo De Hen Jiao Ao
No matter how tough my life is, I will live on with pride

我说自尊啊 看起来或许可笑
Wo Shuo Zi Zun A Kan Qi Lai Huo Xu Ke Xiao
I say pride... It might look foolish

但它至少 撑着我 试着不让我跌倒
Dan Ta Zhi Shao Cheng Zhe Wo Shi Zhe Bu Rang Wo Die Dao
But at least, it supports me, keeping me from falling

活着 如果只是不甘寂静的喧嚣
Huo Zhe Ru Guo Zhi Shi Bu Gan Ji Jing De Xuan Xiao
Living, if it's just noises in fear of loneliness

那就咆哮吧 让每个人都能听的到
Na Jiu Pao Xiao Ba Rang Mei Ge Ren Dou Ting De Dao
Then roar! Let everyone hear you

用力的还击 发出声音
Yong Li De Huan Ji Fa Chu Sheng Yin
Strike back with might! Shout in response!

让他们安静 不敢相信
Rang Ta Men An Jing Bu Gan Xiang Xin
Make them silent! Stunned in disbelievement!

继续前进 他们畏惧
Ju Xu Qian Jin Ta Men Wei Ju
Continue advancing! They're cowering in fear!

睁大眼睛 他们躲避
Zheng Da Yan Jing Ta Men Duo Bi
Stare at them! They're hiding!

然后放弃 专心聆听 我的声音
Ran Hou Fang Qi Zhuan Xin Ling Ting Wo De Sheng Yin
Then, give up. Listen carefully to my voice now

而生命 (对每个人) 都不公平 (也没道理)
Er Sheng Ming (Dui Mei Ge Ren) Dou Bu Gong Ping (Ye Mei Dao Li)
So that's life (to everyone), it is unfair (and unreasonable)

只能扑向 (泥泞迎向) 那阵骤雨 (由不得你)
Zhi Neng Pu Xiang (Ni Ning Ying Xiang) Na Zhen Zhou Yu (You Bu De Ni)
Only to pounce forth (right into the mud), in that rain (nothing you can do about it)

如果生命 (对每个人) 都不公平 (也没道理)
Ru Guo Sheng Ming (Dui Mei Ge Ren) Dou Bu Gong Ping (Ye Mei Dao Li)
So if life (to everyone), it is unfair (and unreasonable)

那就让我 (带着孤寂) 继续前进 (直到光明)
Na Jiu Rang Wo (Dai Zhe Gu Ji) Ju Xu Qian Jin (Zhi Dao Guang Ming)
Then let me (in my loneliness), continue advancing (till we see the light)

See also:

Lovin' Spoonful What a day for Daydream Lyrics
Plies Bust It Baby (Feat. Trey Songz) Lyrics