Smackin' Isaiah Beer And Loafing In New Bedfor Lyrics
Bullshit high school drama with senor Corona.
These are the times that I will never let go.
I know one day my loneliness will show.
When boredom took me over, I said goodbye to summer.
Remember once I went for sociable,
those days are gone and now growing up means growing sick and old.
Am I?
I'm not tired of s_______ the friends that I've made,
I'm just tired of being alone.
I'd try to change, but I'd just end up the same, upset and alone.
Life's a pile of s___, only deeper.
Where's that rock star lifestyle for me?
Are winos happier, left to linger?
When will someone else feel bad for me?
See also:
Pappo Blue's Desconfío De La Vida Lyrics
Fernando Delgadillo 03 Entre Pairos y Derivas Lyrics