周杰伦 麦芽糖 - 周杰伦 (世界巡回演唱会2007) Lyrics
麦芽糖 | Mai Ya Tang | Maltose Candy
Other Translations: Malt Candy
曲: 周杰倫
Qu: Zhou Jie Lun
Music: Jay Chou
词: 方文山
Ci: Fang Wen Shan
zhe wan yan de wei xiao
This meandering smile
yong bao shan qiu xi liu gen feng chang qi ge
Embracing the hills and creeks, singing with the wind
wo xiang tian yuan shi ren ban jie du yan qian de sheng huo
I'm like a poet of the countryside, a___yzing the life before me
mai tian wan yao di tou zai chui diao wen rou
The cornfields stoop, lowering their heads; fishing for gentleness
zhe zheng zuo shan gu dou shi feng di shou
This entire valley is occupied with bamboo flute players
wo zai ya ko ling ting chuan shuo gen zhu tong hua gu shi zou
With my h___se throat, I'm listening to legends, following in the fairytales
远方的风车 远距离诉说
yuan fang de feng che / yuan ju li su shuo
The windmills in the distance, speak from a distance
那幸福在深秋 满满的被收割
na xing fu zai shen qiu / man man de bei shou ge
That kind of happiness at the height of autumn, is fully harvested
老仓库的角落 我们数著
lao cang ku de jiao luo / wo men shu zhe
In the corner of the old storehouse, we are counting
一麻袋的爱跟快乐 初恋的颜色
yi ma dai de ai gen kuai le / chu lian de yan se
A burlap sack of love and happiness, and the color of first love
我牵着你的手经过 种麦芽糖的山坡
wo qian zhe ni de shou jing guo / zhong mai ya tang de shan po
Holding your hand, we pass by a hillside that grows maltose (candy)
香浓的诱惑 你脸颊微热 吐气在我的耳朵
xiang nong de you huo / ni lian jia wei re / tu qi zai wo de er duo
A dense and fragrant temptation, and your warm cheeks, breathes into my ears
摘下麦芽糖熟透 我醒来还笑着
zhai xia mai ya tang shu tou / wo xing lai hai xiao zhe
Picking the ripened maltose candy; I'm still smiling after I've awakened
开心的 被黏手 我满嘴 都是糖果
kai xin de / bei nian shou / wo man zui / dou shi tang guo
Happy to have a sticky hand, and my mouth filled with candy
牵著你的手经过 种麦芽糖的山坡
qian zhu ni de shou jing guo / zhong mai ya tang de shan po
Holding your hand, we pass by a hillside that grows maltose (candy)
甜蜜的四周 我低头害羞 我们愉快的梦游
tian mi de si zhou / wo di tou hai xiu / wo men yu kuai de meng you
Surrounded by bliss, I shyly lower my head, as we dreamt along happily
我在草地上喝著 麦芽糖酿的酒
wo zai cao di shang he zhe / mai ya tang nian de jiu
I'm on the grass, drinking a maltose wine
鲜嫩的 小时候 我好想 再咬一口
xian nen de / xiao shi hou / wo hao xiang / zai yao yi kou
My fresh and sweet childhood; oh how I would like to take another bite
我满嘴 都是糖果 我好想 再咬一口
wo man zui / dou shi tang guo / wo hao xiang / zai yao yi kou
My mouth is filled with candy, oh how I would like to take another bite
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