Smash Bros Brawl Main Theme Lyrics

Audi famam illius.
I have heard of his rumor.

Solus in hostes ruit
He alone rushed into his enemies

et patriam servavit.
and saved his homeland.

Audi famam illius.
I have heard of his rumor.

Cucurrit quaeque tetigit destruens.
He ran across the lands and everything he touched was destroyed.

Audi famam illius.
I have heard of his rumor.

Audi famam illius.
I have heard of his rumor.

Spes omnibus,mihi quoque.
He gave everyone hope, as he gave me.

Terror omnibus,mihi quoque.

He gave everyone fear, as he gave me.

He is now

iuxta me.
next to me.

Ille iuxta me.
He is now next to me.

Socii sunt mihi.
My allies are with me.

qui olim viri fortes
My allies, who were once heroes

rivalesque erant.
and old enemies, are here.

Saeve certando pugnandoque
As they fiercely competed and battled

sprendor crescit.
their splendor grew

See also:

王力宏 過來 Lyrics
王力宏 Follow Me Lyrics