Toto Coelo I Eat Cannibals [Extended] Lyrics
I eat cannibal, feed on animal
Your love is so edible to me, I eat cannibals
I eat cannibal, it's incredible
You bring out the animal in me, I eat cannibals
What can you do, you're in a stew
Hot pot, cook it up, I'm never gonna stop
Fancy a bite, my appitite, Yum, yum, gee it's fun
Banging on a different drum
I Eat Cannibal, feed on animal
Your love is so edible to me, I eat cannibals
I eat cannibal, it's incredible
You bring out the animal in me, I eat cannibals
I like spice, tasty and nice
Looks trim, vitamin, forget the dieting
Mmm such a dish, I can't resist
Healthy recipe, what you got it's good for me
All I wanna do, is make a meal of you
We are what we eat, you're my kind of meat
Got a hunger for your love, it's what I'm speaking of
Give a dog a bone, I can take it home
Sung in unison with last two lines of previous verse:
Hot pot, cook it up, I'm never gonna stop
Yum, yum, gee it's fun, I'm banging on a drum
Looks trim, vitamin, forget the dieting
I eat cannibaaaallls
I eat cannibal, feed on animal
Your love is so edible to me, I eat cannibals
I eat cannibal, it's incredible
You bring out the animal in me, I eat cannibals (fade)
See also:
Avalanch 7. Del Cielo a la Tierra Lyrics
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