Anđa Marić & Gušti dolgčas Lyrics
Dolgčas, dolgčas spremlja me te dni
tišina edini potnik, ki sledi
nervoza počasi kljuva mi oči
a rad bi ti postlal med zvezdami
Znova mi poklanjaš lep pogled
me objame prijeten vonj in tvoj nasmeh
a sanjam, sanjam svoj zakriti svet
in nate sem nehote pozabu spet
In vedno znova vsak korak, ki ga nardim
te prizadane, ko razmišljam in ko spim
in vem, da tut sanjat več ne smem
in vem, da tut sanjat več ne smem
Sometimes everything goes slow
sometimes even birds are flying low
this time my heart is beating over load
I feel alive I feel I'm going to explode
Dreams are melting with my soul
dreams are only place where I can go
but pressure is just too strong for wind to blow
and reason gives me no excuse to flow
Now it's time I can hear the voice inside of me
I see the sky I can feel the harmony
today we're flying anyway
today we're flying anyway
Sanjam, sanjam svoj zakriti svet
in nate sem nehote pozabu spet
in vedno znova vsak korak, ki ga nardim
te prizadane, ko razmišljam in ko spim
Now it's time I can hear the voice inside of me
I see the sky I can feel the harmony
today we're flying anyway
today we're flying anyway
today we're flying anyway
today we're flying anyway
See also:
1963 Take These Chains From My Heart Ray Charles Lyrics
Emil Bulls Close To The Wind Lyrics