Antoinette McKenna 3 Things Lyrics

Three things given, we can't control them
Three things given, we can't control them

Thig thì nithean gun iarraigh Three things come unwanted
An t-eagal, an t-iadach, 's an gaol Fear, jealousy and love
'S gur beag a' chùis-mhaslaidh It is but a small shameful matter
Ged ghlacadh mis' leò air a h-aon Though by these I was trapped all at once

'S a liuthad bean uasal Many a noble woman
A fhuaradh 'sa' chiont 's an robh mi Has been caught as I was
A thug a gaol-fuadain Giving love away
Air ro-bheagan duais 'ga cheann For a small rewards at the end of the day

Air faillirinn illirinn Air faillirinn illirinn
Uillirinn ho ro 's mi caoidh Uillirinn ho ro I am keening
'S cruaidh fhortan gun fhios Cruel fortune without my knowing
A chuir mise fo chuing do ghaoil Put me under the yoke of your love

Three things given from god above
We can't control them, fear, jealousy and love
I don't want to want to
But I want to just the same

Overwhelmed by a wave of compulsion
I was drawn into your arms
I was looking to you for everything
I was blinded by your charms

You were my emotional downfall
You were my heart's desire
I thought you would love me forever
But you abandoned me to my fire

Thig thì nithean gun iarraigh Three things come unwanted
An t-eagal, an t-iadach, 's an gaol Fear, jealousy and love
'S gur beag a' chùis-mhaslaidh It is but a small shameful matter
Ged ghlacadh mis' leò air a h-aon Though by these I was trapped all at once

Three things given from god above
We can't control them, fear, jealousy and love
I don't want to want to
But I want to just the same
I don't want to want to
But I want to just the same

These feelings of jealousy haunt me
And the fear of being alone
I don't want to want to be with you
But the yoke of your love is so strong

You were my emotional downfall
You were my heart's desire
I thought you would love me forever
But you abandoned me to my fire

Air faillirinn illirinn Air faillirinn illirinn
Uillirinn ho ro 's mi caoidh Uillirinn ho ro I am keening
'S cruaidh fhortan gun fhios Cruel fortune without my knowing
A chuir mise fo chuing do ghaoil Put me under the yoke of your love

'S cruaidh fhortan gun fhios Cruel fortune without my knowing
A chuir mise fo chuing do ghaoil Put me under the yoke of your love
'S cruaidh fhortan gun fhios Cruel fortune without my knowing
A chuir mise fo chuing do ghaoil Put me under the yoke of your love

Three things given from god above
We can't control them, fear, jealousy and love...

See also:

Mr. President Crack The Sky Lyrics
Λαυρέντης Μαχαιρίτσας ΕΛΑ ΨΥΧΟΥΛΑ ΜΟΥ Lyrics