David Guetta Don't be afraid (bonus track) Lyrics
I'm here, I'm here to be
Exactly what you need of me, please do
Please let me do, all the things you want me to
Don't be afraid !
I won't leave you alone tonight, if you need me here,
just to hold you tight, baby that's allright 'cause it
sure feels good to me.
Yeah, yeah, don't be afraid !
I won't leave you alone tonight, if you need me here,
just to hold you tight, baby that's allright 'cause it
sure feels good to me.
Let loose, oh let me through
I'm not that door that hides for villain truth
let me in, oh let me in
I long to make you whole again
Don't be afraid
I won't leave you alone tonight, if you need me here,
just to hold you tight, baby that's allright 'cause it
sure feels good to me.
See also:
pimpinela vete y pega la vuelt Lyrics
Luis A. Posada Me tomas o me dejas Lyrics