Kelly Kelekidou Mprosta sou 8a me briskeis [BEST***] Lyrics
You will always find me in front of you
m'ena antio fevgeis
you leave with a goodbye
na ksereis den ksefevgeis
know that you don'e get away
Χάνεσαι στη νύχτα
Hanesai sti nihta
you get lost in the night
Ma kriveis tin alitheia
but you hide the truth
Oso ki an poneso
No matter how much I will be in pain
Στη μοναξιά κι αν πέσω
sti monaksia ki an peso
if I fall into loneliness
Na ksereis den tha nikitho
know that I won's be beaten
Mprosta sou tha me vriskeis na to thimasai
You will always find me in front of you remember that
Opou kai an pas
wherever you go
th'aggizeis to kormi mou otan koimasai
you will touch my body when you are asleep
Ki etsi tha ksipnas
and that's how you will wake up
Mprosta sou tha me vriskeis sta vimata sou
You will always find me in front of you on your moves
Kathe sou stigmi
on every moment
Kai otan tha heis alli stin agkalia sou
and when you will have another one in your arms
Pali tha mai ekei
I will be there again
tha iparho sti zoi sou
I will exist in your life
sto mialo kai stin psihi sou
in your mind and in your soul
mia skia pou tha s'akoloythei
a shaddow that will follow you
den iparhoun lekseis
no words exist
th'antekso kai th'antekseis
I will hold on and you will hold on
oneira tha kano
I will dream
apopse pou se hano
tonight that I loose you
omos menei o ponos
but the pain remains
kai stin kardia o fovos
and in the heart the fear
gia tis epomenes stigmes
for the next moments
See also:
Scooter Weekend (Radio Edit - CDS) Lyrics
Xristos Menidiatis Oi kiriakes Lyrics