Liza Minnelli Liza (With a "Z") [Live] Lyrics

It's Liza with a "Z" not Lisa with an "S" cause Lisa with an "S" goes snoz Its Z instead of S, Li instead of Lee it's simple as could be see Liza!

Do it again...

It's Liza with a "Z" not Lisa with an "S" cause Lisa with an "S" goes snoz Its Z instead of S, Li instead of Lee it's simple as could be see Liza!

Now if my name were Ada, I'd be Ada even backwards I'd be Ada, and if my name were Ruth than I'd be Ruth because with Ruth what can you do? Or Sally or Margaret or Ginger or Faye but when your a Liza, you always have to say, no it's Liza with a "Z" not Lisa with an "S" cause Lisa with an "S" goes snoz Its Z instead of S, Li instead of Lee it's simple as could be see Liza!

Oh! and that is only half of it, there's another way they treat me cruely, how often I remember someone saying "There she goes Lisa Minoulli, or Minolli or Miniola or Minilli or Minillie, so is it a wonder I very often cry! It's M I double N then E double L I you double up the N that's "n" not Lou then E double the L end it with an I that's the way you say Minelli, Liza Minelli.

It's Italian, Blame it on Papa, What can I do? Every Sandra who's a Sarndra, every Mary who's really Marie, every Joan who is a Joanne, has got to agree with me when I've announced, I don't mind being pummeled or trampled or trounced, but it does drive you bats to be mis, mispronounced.

It's Liza with a "Z" not Lisa with an "S" cause Lisa with an "S" goes snoz Its Z instead of S, Li instead of Lee it's simple as could be see Liza! It's M I double N then E double L I you double up the N that's "n" not Lou then E double the L end it with an I that's the way you say Minelli, Liza Minelli it's easy, it's easy...see it's L I Z A

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