Rahbani Brothers Al Nadda Lyrics
A'al Nadda, Nadda, Nadda
Wilward imfattah a'a khadda
Win ma i'atyouni yaaki ya ijbaal ila'ali la-hidda
Nadda nizlait a'al bistaan
Iw laaaha iw zahhar nisaan
A'am dhall imlabbak sahraan
Ya injoom illaylaih iba'id-ha
A'al Nadda, Nadda, Nadda
Wilward imfattah a'a khadda
Win ma i'atyouni yaaki ya ijbaal ila'ali la-hidda
English translation:
O' Nadda, Nadda, Nadda
Where roses are blooming on her cheek
And if they refuse to give you to me, I will tear down the high mountains
Nadda went down to the garden
And she was met and April appeared
And I always keep troubled and awake
O' night stars take her away
O' Nadda, Nadda, Nadda
Where roses are blooming on her cheek
And if they refuse to give you to me, I will tear down the high mountains
See also:
S.H.E&FEi LUN HAi XiE XiE Ni DE WEN R0U Lyrics
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