02-abdelhalim hafez bitlomony leih Lyrics
Part 1
بتلوموني ليه .. بتلوموني ليه
Bitlimoni leih? Bitlimoni leih?
How can you blame me? How can you blame me?
لو شفتم عينيه .. حلوين قد إيه
Law shoftom eineih... hilween add eih.
If you saw her eyes, and how beautiful they are,
ح تقولوا إنشغالي وسهد الليالي
Hat qolo inshighali wa sohd el layali.
You would say my captivation and my restlessness,
مش كتير عليه... ليه بتلوموني
Mosh kiteer aleih... leih bitlimoni?
Are not too much for her... how can you blame me?
Part 2
أسير الحبايب يا قلبي يا دايب
Aseer el habayeb, ya albi ya dayib.
I am the captive of my beloved, oh my weak heart.
في موجة عبير من الشعر الحرير
Fi mogeit aabeer min shaar el hareer.
I am trapped within the aroma of her soft hair.
ع الخدود يهفهف ويرجع يطير
Aal khidood yehafhaf... we yerga yiteer.
Which brushes against her cheeks, and then flows in the wind.
والناس بيلوموني وأعمل إيه يا قلبي
Wel nas bey limoni we aamil eih ya albi?
And everyone blames me and what can I do, oh my heart?
عايزين يحرموني منه ليه يا قلبي
Ayzeen yehremoni mino leih ya albi?
They want to deprive me of her, but why oh my heart?
Part 3
من يوم حبه ما لمس قلبي
Min yom hobo ma lamas albi,
From the day her love touched my heart,
فتح الباب للشوق يلعب بي
Fatah el bab lel shoq yelaab be.
She opened the gates of passion to overcome me.
وهو حبيبي وهو نصيبي
We howa habibi. we howa nasibi,
And she is my darling, and she is my fate.
وهو النور لعينيه وقلبي
We howa el nour le einaya we albi.
And she is the light for my eyes and my heart.
وهو شبابي وهو صحابي
We howa shababi, we howa sahabi.
And she is my youth, and she is my friend.
وهو قرايبي وكل حبايبي
We howa qaribi wa kol habaybi.
And she is my family and everything that I love.
والناس بيلوموني وأعمل إيه يا قلبي
Wel nas bey limoni we aamil eih ya albi?
And everyone blames me and what can I do, oh my heart?
عايزين يحرموني منه ليه يا قلبي
Ayzeen yehremoni mino leih ya albi?
They want to deprive me of her, but why oh my heart?
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