A 94-Year-Old Grandmother is Running for the U.S. Senate -- 07-21-04c Lyrics
A 94-Year-Old Grandmother is Running for the U.S. Senate -- 07-21-04
1 - Granny D - Five years ago, 94 year-old, Granny D, got fed up with the record spending on political campaigns. When a campaign reform movement in Washington failed to reign in soft money contributions, she decided to make a statement by walking across the country. Now, she takes on a powerful Republican incumbent in her campaign for the Senate. Raquel Maria Dillon reports.
2 - Screening for Diabetes - Last week, the U-S government revised its policy on obesity offering government money for therapies proven effective for weight loss, which may lead to diabetes reduction. The World Health Organization reports that three million people will die from diabetes alone this year. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that nearly one quarter of all diabetes cases in the U-S go undiagnosed, so some communities are adopting innovative ways to get people's attention. From Colorado, Shelley Schlender reports.
3 - High Steel - This month, New York officials laid the cornerstone for the new Freedom Tower at the site where the twin towers once stood. The steel and concrete structure will be 541 meters tall. Ironworkers will play a central role in building the tower, just as they've been building other New York bridges and skyscrapers for a century now. Writer Jim Rasenberger tells their story in his new book, "High Steel: The Daring Men Who Built the World's Greatest Skyline." Correspondent Nancy Beardsley has more.
4 - Subway Workers - This year marks the 100th anniversary of the New York City subway system. With almost seven thousand subway cars serving nearly five hundred stations, it is by some measures the largest metropolitan transportation system in the world. For the second part of our three part series on New York's subway, VOA's Adam Phillips introduces us to a few of the workers who keep this modern miracle on the move.
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