Jay Chou Drifting (飄移) Lyrics
Chapman To (Itsuki Takeuchi): 好簡單,這是飄移甘!
(Cantonese: Very easy...that is drifting!)
(Cantonese: How to drift?)
(Cantonese: Once you turn into a corner, pull the handbrake then the car should shake a bit.)
(Cantonese: Then how will it look?)
(Cantonese: Cool!)
找支筆寫下日記 紀錄勇氣
zhao zhi bi xie xia ri ji ji lu yong qi
Pick up my pen to write my diary recording my courageousness
我可以對著牆壁 讓拳頭判逆
wo ke yi dui zhe qiang bi rang quan tou pan ni
I can make my fist rebellious to the wall
呼吸 天窗玻璃 打開我的身體
hu xi tian chuang bo li da kai wo de shen ti
Breathe through the glass window, open up my body
這裡 引擎聲就像是一種樂器
zhe li yin qin sheng jiu xiang shi yi zhong yue qi
The engine here is like some kind of instrument
所以 風呼嘯而過刺激
suo yi feng hu xiao er guo ci ji
Therefore...The wind is howling and over-invigorating
所以 我在轉彎飄移
suo yi wo zai zhuan wan piao yi
Therefore...I'm drifting around the corner
加足了馬力 飄到底 看仔細
jia zu le ma li piao dao di kan zi xi
Add enough horsepower, drift all the way
零到一百公里 誰敢與我為敵
ling dao yi bai gong li shui gan yu wo wei di
Looking carefully from 0 to 100km, who is game enough to be my enemy?
我用第一人稱 在飄移青春
wo yong di yi ren cheng zai piao yi qing chun
I'm using the first person, the youth is drifting away
輸跟贏的分吋 計算的很精準
shu gen ying de fen cun ji suan de hen jing zun
Losing and winning is calculated very precisely
我踏上風火輪 在飄移青春
wo ta shang feng huo lun zai piao yi qing chun
I ride on a wind streamer, the youth is drifting away
故事中的我們 在演自己的人生**
gu shi zhong de wo men zai yan zi ji de ren sheng
In the story, we are acting out our own lives
勝敗的對比 是殘酷的可以
sheng bai de dui bi shi can ku de ke yi
The contrast between winning and losing can be cruel
運氣 從來就不在我這裹
yun qi cong lai jiu bu zai wo zhe li
Luck has never been on my side
實力没辦法模擬 飄移 人車一體 飄移
shi li mei ban fa mo ni piao yi ren che yi ti piao yi
Abilities can never be imitated...drifting...car and driver becomes one...drifting
笑看後視鏡的自己 啊
xiao kan hou shi jing de zi ji ah
Laughing at myself in the rear view mirror, oh
點火 繼續 事關 榮譽
dian huo ji xu shi guan rong yu
Light the fire and continue because it has to do with pride
我除了第一 其他没有興趣
wo chu le di yi qi ta mei you xing qu
Other than being first, I'm not interested in the others
得飄 得飄 得咿的飄 我安靜的喝飲料 輕鬆的笑
der piao~der piao~der yi de piao~wo an jing de he yin liao qing song de xiao
Drifting~drifting~drifting~ I drink beverage quickly and relaxingly smile
得飄 得意飄 得咿的飄 我繞過山腰 雨聲敲敲
der piao~der piao~der yi de piao~wo rao guo shan yao yu sheng qiao qiao
Drifting~drifting~drifting~ I circle the mountainside with the rain knocking loudly
得飄 得意飄 得咿的飄 在開進隧道 風聲瀟瀟
der piao~der piao~der yi de piao~zai kai jin sui dao feng sheng xiao xiao
Drifting~drifting~drifting~ Advance though the tunnel, the wind making a mournful sound
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