Matt Uelmen Leoric Lyrics

"Leoric" - Liner Notes - October 25, 2000

"Scott Petersen's snare playing gets a nice spotlight in a final march on my lovely old Slingerland. This piece recaps that original t__le theme from both the first and second Diablo soundtracks. The final minute has some decent countermelody going on, despite the general danger of sounding too much like a marching band.

I wish I could have come a bit closer to capturing the sound of the Semana Santa marches in Guatemala. While there in the spring of 1997, I was struck by the sound of the small marching bands which follow the incredibly heavy wood "floats" carried by the community's youth over the beautiful sand "alfombras" in the Holy Week parades. The marches are paced with a truly gothic sound, like a less-swinging New Orleans funeral band. Still, there remains what could have been - three years is not nearly enough time to make a true epic."

- Matt Uelmen

See also:

Matt Uelmen Tombs Lyrics
Matt Uelmen Mephisto Lyrics