Darko Rundek Mlin Reggae Lyrics
It's been a long long time
That I want to say
I don't know
I don't know
Baby I don't know
It's a hard thing to say
When someone is waiting for your reply
When she's trying to know
Do you love her
But I don't know am I falling
'cause I'm floating in the dark
I don't know am I leaving
Or have I just arrived
I don't know is it rain or is it a hurricane
I don't know
Baby I don't know
Autre chose
Autre chose
Il y'a autre chose
Si tu oses
Si tu oses
Rouler hors des rails
Bye Bye
Baj Baj
See also:
Groups.msn.com/NinaMutal Enamorados Lyrics
Sindicato de la danza Aguantare Lyrics