Qntal Entre Moi (Single Version) Lyrics
Entre moi et mon amin,
en un boix k'est le Betune,
alainmes juwant mairdi
toute lai nuit a la lune,
tant k'il ajornait
et ke I'alowe chantait
ke dit: ,,amins, alons an",
et il respont doucement:
"si m'ait amors,
I'alowette nos mant,
ll n'est mie jours,
saverouze au cors gent."
Adont ce trait pres de mi,
et je fu pas anfruine;
bien trois fois me baixait il,
ainsi fix je lui plus d'une,
k'ainz ne m'anoiait.
adonc vocexiens nous lai
ke celle nuit durest sant,
mais ke plus n'alest dixant:
"si m'ait amors,
I'alowette nos mant,
ll n'est mie jours,
saverouze au cors gent."
My love and I alone
In a wood near Bethune,
Played together Tuesday
All night there by the moon,
Until the night turned gray
And the lark arising, sang,
As if to say: "Lovers, away";
And he responded softly:
"So help me love,
The lark lies to us.
It isn't nearly day,
Sweet, noble heart."
Then he drew himself to me,
And I did not draw back;
Three times at least he kissed me,
And I returned them back;
Now that did not tire me.
Then how glad we should have been
Had that night lasted one hundred
But we would not need to say:
"So help me love,
The lark lies to us.
It isn't nearly day,
Sweet, noble heart."
See also:
Myriam Hernández Mío (con Los Nocheros) Lyrics