Carl Culliton Concern and Yearn Lyrics
Thank you, and I will learn of your concerns...
Thank you and I will show concern...
For a world thought by minds, just, like my own!
Thank you,
And I do learn from all concerned minds like my own...
A melody World of Universes...
From humans, to atoms, to Quarks, to Vibrating String Parts!
Frequency does and did start all art...
TEN Dimensional swirls from the heart...
Concern from the love of this land...
Still we physically burn this world,
Cold and callous cretins of this Earth...
Clean water holds my will behind your sckitzo dollar bills,
And Euro dreams to unite with CERN...
To the speed of light...
Their will discover this world....
Particle accelerator
Thank you and I will show concern for the world and it's heart when you burn...
Genius landfills life's work,
On a stage that will forever quark...
Dialectic dreams...
Concern is yearned...
So, I thank you dear friends...
You concerns are noted and hoped for...
Fungi making jokes,
They grow from Mycilliam...
I thank you for your concern...
A TED world is yours...
This TED World!
Ideas Good Well and Worth Drilling into Every Person's head...
Naturally and Selectivly...
It's Evolution...
Your DEMOCRACY in Bitted Frequencies.
Your Digilogue...
Our a___ogue knowledge in a very new and digital age...
My TED Wish...
Peace Kills Greed!
Truth replacing Deceit!
Happy around True Suffering....
See also:
Ferry Corsten & Howard Jones Into The Dark [Ferry Fix RMX] Lyrics
Ohio Express Sausalito (Is The Place To Go) Lyrics