makrothumia conquering the lack of relations... the vague... to unify Lyrics
The empirism of a concept, cause...
Not.. "nihil esse intelectu,
Quod non antea fuerit in sensu."
The motive of the couple
The interior self...
Never ever comprehend
Psychic through psychic
Through traditions,
The universal formes.
The feminity htonic part of the soul:
Trough the transcendent products of human spirit
Projections metaphysyc
The divine dualism,
Inherit to imagiantion,
Projecting ... the sames
The religious ideas
a__ociating the parents
Trough amplification...
...of images.
"Climax a maiori ad minus."
Guelding the bisexuality,
Against the fear,
dubling the bases
To not stop the conexions with instincts.
To keep conextions with archetypal patterns
See also:
UB40 10. The road Lyrics
The Mammas & Pappas So Happy Together Lyrics