Akcent Umbrela Ta by-AnPH Lyrics

Si stelele-mi zambesc cand esti aici || And the stars smile to me when you are here
Si raze ma privesc cand ma atingi || And sunbeams look at me when you touch me
Si ploi nu ma gasesc || And rain doesn't find me
Cand sunt langa tine || When I'm next to you
Lumea/lume (?) mi spune ca da

Ai ochii c__inti || You have ... eyes (what does "c__inti" mean?)
Si e doar vina ta || And it's only your fault
Ca ma pierd langa tine || That I loose myself next to you

Unu, doi, trei, si... || One, two, three, and...

Stau ca un pusti fericit sub umbrela ta || I stand like a happy kid under your umbrella
La doar doi centimetri de inima ta || On (?) only two centimeters of your heart
Si astept un sarut ce poate alunga || And I'm waiting for a kiss which can remove
Nori din viata mea || Clouds from my life

Stau ca un pusti fericit sub umbrela ta
La doar doi centimetri de inima ta
Si astept un sarut ce poate schimba || And I'm waiting for a kiss which can change
Toata viata mea || My whole life

Si-n vise eu ma prin de mana ta || And in dreams I hold your hand
... sa vreau spre inima ta
Si orice cala leg (?) ma duce la tine
Noaptea-mi spune si ea...

Am vazut ca plangeai din vina mea || I saw you were crying because of me (it was my fault you were crying)
Si vreau sa stie greu lipsa ta
Dar trece prea usor
Cand sunt langa tine

See also:

alabama rock of ages Lyrics