Isasha-Don't You Know Don't You Know Lyrics

Don't you kno ur love is so diviine
And im wantin u girl, missin u, wantin u girl
Don't u kno ur love is one of a kind
and im wantin u girl, missin u, wantin u girl

Since u gone me gots no one ta lean on
The picture in my head is me and u holdin hands
Love under de cover wid some sweet slow song
Hands on my knees girlfriend baby and hold ur hand
Would u like to be the wife of Brandon?
Take ur time and settle down because we r young
I don't like no bacchanal neither confusion
Rushing to dis ting den tings will be wrong still

Baby lets settle down
Build us a family together
I for u
You for me yea baby inna dis rainy weather
tell dem dat it don' matter what the people sayy
And it not matter what the people do
So they could never stop I
and they could never stop u
Because we were made for each other


The picture frames of the wall
It keeps remindin me yea
Tell dem about my fair lady
And all the tings da den she done for me den well
Tell dem what jah has put together, dont let no man put asunder
Let jah jah bless us with one daughter
So let us live our whole life forever and ever

See also:

Adam Sandler Dancin' And Pantsin' Lyrics
Laurie Anderson The Day The Devil Lyrics