Akwid Chivas Explosivas (Chivas USA) Lyrics

Everyone get up that's red and white, My heart's with the nation and Mexico's here to fight
Bringing you the maximum oh yea, Proud of the stripes and I'm proud to be a Mexican
The whole world's got to know it, Goal! Cause we're hitting strong like a locomotive.
Come get a piece of the action, Chivas USA's what everyone's chanting.

Todos con las manos arrba, haciendo bulla, hagan mas escándalo que una patrulla
Ya llegaron las Chivas USA, directos de Guadalajara y son la ley
Mexicanos triunfadores y orgullosamente, rojo y blanco son mis colores
Los hermanos de sangre no se olvidan y con un puno al aire todos digan

Esto es pura vida, porque llevo en mi sangre, el orgullo de ser Chiva
Vamos todos, que se oiga USA, y ahora,
Este es el momento, arrasando con todo, de este lado del hemisferio

Everybody make noise and lets get it popping, is Chivas USA there's no stopping
From Guadalajara to the US, it's the team that represents success
The Mexican team for the game, we wear white and red with no shame
We're all brothers and we came here to play, and with your fists up everybody say

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