Celtic Cross Jade Garden Lyrics
(From a recording of Timothy Leary speaking:)
I stumbled upon the philosopher's stone, I had the veil of illusion pulled out... and was confronted by the many levels of energy and many realms of consciousness which were available to man. I opened the Pandora's box of multiple realities.
Describe how I managed control, I could say (...) psychedelic realms. I became tuned in on a network of neurological signals; on a cellular resonance, that radiate hundreds of millions of times per second within my body. The last six years, I have taken the voyage out of my mind, into my head; into my cells, over 300 times. Each time I make this voyage, I tried to communicate with fellow voyagers and to my fellow men. Partly there's a result of our experiences at the present time, over a million americans, have had the experience, of going the underline, into the...
See also:
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