Siddharta Japan Lyrics
Dom je vedno bolj oddaljen stran
bela ptica nese me drugam
druge zvezde zdaj me grejejo
hladno sonce naše je zašlo
Gledam ven v temo
kaplje na okno padajo
ni me strah za jutrišnji dan
to mora biti raj
Bele iskre v nebo
v temi se vidi horizont
in edinstven ocean
se ga dotika tam
Krona mehka sede na glavo
nože smo odvrgli z radostjo
vsak pogled v sebi nosi mir
ples ob ognju naj prežene zver
Zletijo bele iskre v nebo
v temi se vidi horizont
in edinstven ocean
se ga dotika tam
Gledam ven v temo
kaplje z okna izginejo
ni me strah za jutrišnji dan
to mora biti raj
Je RAJ...
Druge zvezde zdej me grejejo
hladno sonce naše je zašlo
vsak pogled v sebi nosi mir
ples ob ognju naj prežene zver
Zletijo bele iskre v nebo
v temi se vidi horizont
in edinstven ocean
se ga dotika tam
Bele iskre v nebo
v temi se vidi horizont
in edinstven ocean
se ga dotika tam
Home has never been so far away
In the air I feel I'm here to stay
Silence all the way is silent fear
Distant sun is cooling down the day
Sitting inside my room
Staring upon this heavy rain
It won't be long, it's such a nice day
Don't interrupt my life
I see the sparks rising up
Clearing horizon in the dark
So magnificent is the ocean
When it reflects bright stars
Crown is gently put on every boy
Knives we threw away with pride and joy
Every face is smiling all in peace
Dancing by the fire scares the beast
And then I see the sparks rising up
Clearing horizon in the dark
So magnificent is the ocean
When it reflects bright stars
Sitting inside my room
I see the rain has gone away
Feeling good, it's such a nice day
Don't interrupt my life, my life, my life, my life, my life, my life
Home has never been so far away
Distant sun is cooling down the day
Every face is smiling all in peace
Dancing by the fire scares the beast
And then I see the sparks rising up
Clearing horizon in the dark
So magnificent is the ocean
When it reflects bright stars
I see the sparks rising up
Clearing horizon in the dark
So magnificent is the ocean
When it reflects bright stars
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