Rotten Sound Mass Suicide Lyrics
"Kun katsoo ihmiskunnan historiaa,
on vaikea olla tulematta siihen johtopäätökseen,
että ihmisen täytyy olla täysin mielenvikainen.
Niin todellisuudessa onkin."
We all live in this sick world
We all give to its violent call
Insanity has driven us further
Towards this disgusting nightmare
Transportation eats the oxygen
Contaminated water is what we drink
Pollution, killing the plants we need
Mass suicide caused by the engineers
We all live in this dying world
We will witness its final fall
Caused by machines made to serve our needs
Destructive effects were not seen
We all live in this sick world
We all give to its violent call
We all live in this dying world
We will witness its final fall
See also:
El Tio Mujeron Lyrics
Gorilaz Clint Easwood Lyrics