忆星娱乐[TT78.COM] 黄昏 Lyrics

詞:陳信榮 曲:周傳雄

過完整個夏天 After the whole summer,
憂傷並沒有好一些 my sadness still did not improve.
開車行駛在公路無際無邊 Driving my car on the vast, boundless roads,
有離開自己的感覺 I feel that I'm getting out of touch with myself.
唱不完一首歌 The song that I could not finish singing,
疲倦還剩下黑眼圈 Left me so tired that there are rings around my eyes.
感情的世界傷害在所難免 It is inevitable to get hurt in the realm of love,
黃昏再美終要黑夜 No matter how beautiful the dusk is, the dark night must follow.
依然記得從你口中說出再見堅決如鐵 I recall that you said, "Goodbye" with a tone of steel,
昏暗中有種烈日灼身的錯覺 I had a delusion of being burnt by the sun in the darkening dusk.
黃昏的地平線 The horizon at dusk,
劃出一句離別 Drew out your line of, "Farewell."
愛情進入永夜 Love plunges into eternal night.

依然記得從你眼中滑落的淚傷心欲絕I still remember the tears falling from your desolated eyes.
混亂中有種熱淚燒傷的錯覺 In the confusion, there is an illusion of being burnt by the hot tears.
黃昏的地平線 The horizon at dusk,
割斷幸福喜悅 Severed happiness and joy.
相愛已經幻滅 Love has already been destroyed.

See also:

The Kinleys My Heart Is Still Beating Lyrics
Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus Elegia Lyrics