Mark Knopfler A Night in Summer Long Ago Lyrics
My lady, may I have this dance ?
Forgive a knight who knows no shame
My lady, may I have this dance ?
And lady, may I know your name ?
You danced upon a soldier's arm and I felt the blade of love so keen
And when you smiled you did me harm
And I was drawn to you, my queen
Now these boots may take me where they will
Though they may never shine like his
There is no knight I would not kill to have my lady's hand to kiss
Yes and they did take me through the hall to leave me not one breath from you
And they fell silent one and all and you could see my heart was true
Then I did lead you from the hall
And we did ride upon the hill
Away beyond the city wall
And sure you are my lady still
A night in summer long ago
The stars were falling from the sky
And still, my heart, I have to know
Why do you love me, lady, why?
See also:
Limp Bizkit Poison Ivy Lyrics
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