Chris Moyles The Kaiser Chefs - I Predict A Diet Lyrics
Ohhhh... I hear a rumble in my tummy,
My cravings are really not funny,
I check to see if I have money,
Kebab and some sauce that is runny,
Don't think I can carry on further,
I'm needing a c__e and a burger,
For fries I've become a goat herder,
Gerdy Gerdy ah...
La-ah-ah, la la lalala la,
Ah-ah-ah, ah ah, la la lalala la,
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
Ohhh... My clothes that look longer do fit me,
Because I'm becoming a fatty,
I tell my wide waist to line burgins,
I'm looking like Christopher Biggins,
Need to get me some exercise,
Stop dreaming lots about large fries,
Get in the gym and start running,
To burn some more calories...
La-ah-ah, la la lalala la,
Ah-ah-ah, ah ah, la la lalala la,
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
And if you really can't see your feet,
Then you've got to stop munching on
Ohhh.. don't think I can carry on further,
I'm needing a c__e and a burger,
For fries I become a goat herder,
Gerdy Gerdy ah...
La-ah-ah, la la lalala la,
La-la-la, ah ah, lalala
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I like burgers and I like fries,
But they have to be supersize!
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
I Predict A Diet
See also:
Sansar feat. Pit10 Öldür Ya Da Öl - Hiphoplife.NeT Lyrics